Posts tagged: Bill Clinton

The War on Truth, Deep State Style

Written by Robert Knight

It’s not even Halloween, and the election is two months away, yet the Russian hobgoblins are coming out again to scare all the boys and girls.

Attorney General Merrick Garland’s Justice Department is working hard to turn some annoying Russian cyber meddling into the greatest threat to “democracy” since Hillary Clinton’s operatives hatched the Russian collusion hoax of 2016.

Here’s how it works. The FBI identifies “divisive” themes put out by Russian bots, such as citizens’ concerns over inflation or crimes committed by illegal aliens and then denounces them as “disinformation.” … Continue Reading

Democrats’ New Way Forward, One Lie At A Time

Written by Robert Knight

The lies were thick and fast all week at the Democratic National Convention, but never so blatantly as they were in Vice President Kamala Harris’ acceptance speech.

The Democratic presidential nominee accused her opponent, former President Donald Trump, of wanting to cut Social Security and Medicare (he has not); being weak on border enforcement (he had it under control before President Biden and Ms. Harris took office) and sending an “armed mob” to the Capitol on Jan.… Continue Reading

Does the Media Use Fake Polls to Depress Republican Turnout?

Written by Elizabeth Vaughn

Ahead of the Democratic National Convention this week, “Fox News Sunday” host Shannon Bream rattled off the latest batch of battleground state polls from New York Times/Siena College to U.S. Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH), which showed Vice President Kamala Harris leading former President Donald Trump by 5 points in Arizona and by 2 points in North Carolina. She also referenced two new national surveys from ABC News/Washington Post and CBS News showing Harris ahead of Trump by 4 points and 3 points in those respective states.… Continue Reading

What to Expect at the Democratic National Convention

Written by Robert Knight

The Democratic National Convention convenes on today and runs through Thursday, Aug. 22.

“More than 15,000 members of the media will be in Chicago to cover the convention,” the convention website informs us. That is, they’re supposed to be there to cover it, not act as delegates. But it’ll work out the same way.

The media will help Democrats create a misleading portrait of the party to pump into America’s living rooms.… Continue Reading

Beware When Leftist Journalists Use Founders to Attack Trump

Written by Tim Graham

When the elected Democrat district attorney of Manhattan and his 12 (likely Democrat) Manhattan jurors convicted Donald Trump on artificially inflated felony counts of business accounting, you could count on leftist journalists to try to make it the Most Historic Event Ever.

We’re not even sure it won’t all be reversed on appeal. But “historic” is their word of choice … when they like the result.

In 1999, when Bill Clinton was impeached for lying under oath about sex with an intern named Monica Lewinsky, Geraldo Rivera was furious on the “Today” show:

“It was a spiteful action, an action that they performed absolutely in violation of the framers’ intent.

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Creation or Chaos? It’s Up to You to Decide Come November

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Creatio ex nihilo is a Latin phrase used to describe a central theological point of Christianity. It’s an axiom that captures the first event of Genesis: “In the beginning, God created.”

It says it is God and God alone who can take nothing and turn it into something. He’s the one who sets the field and draws the boundaries. He’s the one who puts the goals in place. He is responsible for the rules and the definitions.… Continue Reading

These Vacuous Words Can Mean Anything a Democrat Wants Them to Mean

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

January 6 has come and gone, and we need no longer be confused. Our wise and learned betters in the White House and the media have graciously reminded us that they are the final authority. They determine definitions. They decide what the words we use daily to define our laws, culture and freedoms mean. We no longer need to wonder what our overseers intend when they talk about such things.

Here is a glossary of terms for your convenience.… Continue Reading

Foreign Invaders Ride The Taxpayer Express

Written by Daniel Horowitz

The next time you’re fondled at the airport by a TSA agent, look around. You may very well see foreign nationals ushered through security without proper documentation and disregarding every TSA rule. While Joe Biden pretends that millions of invaders from 150 countries are a natural occurrence, his administration is using taxpayer-funded nongovernmental organizations to disperse tens of thousands of them throughout the country.

This cannot be allowed to continue. Why won’t Republicans pledge to put an end to it by refusing to fund one more penny of this scheme with the budget deadline looming?… Continue Reading

The Media Display Hostility Toward a Third Party

Written by Tim Graham

Polls show that voters are not thrilled at the prospect of a Trump vs. Biden rerun in the 2024 presidential election. That makes the idea of a fresh third-party candidate more interesting. One might think the media would enjoy a curveball, but there’s one big problem: Democrats think a third-party ticket would sink President Joe Biden.

The No Labels group held an event in New Hampshire on July 17 with U.S.… Continue Reading

Exposing the Radical Effort to Destabilize the Supreme Court

Written by Jorge Gomez

The U.S. Supreme Court is under all-out attack. Recent headlines reveal a concerted effort to manufacture an “ethics” scandal about Justice Clarence Thomas, the Court’s leading conservative and one of the foremost defenders of religious liberty. Justice Neil Gorsuch has also been the target of this smear campaign.

Democrats in Congress, along with their allies in left-wing radical groups and the media, are bringing back calls for radical court “reform.” A constitutionally suspect “judicial ethics” bill was introduced and the U.S.… Continue Reading