Posts tagged: Hunter Biden

The War on Truth, Deep State Style

Written by Robert Knight

It’s not even Halloween, and the election is two months away, yet the Russian hobgoblins are coming out again to scare all the boys and girls.

Attorney General Merrick Garland’s Justice Department is working hard to turn some annoying Russian cyber meddling into the greatest threat to “democracy” since Hillary Clinton’s operatives hatched the Russian collusion hoax of 2016.

Here’s how it works. The FBI identifies “divisive” themes put out by Russian bots, such as citizens’ concerns over inflation or crimes committed by illegal aliens and then denounces them as “disinformation.” … Continue Reading

NPR’s Lurch to the Left

Written by Robert Knight

For years, those of us in the media have known that National Public Radio could also be called National People’s Radio.

It’s no secret that tax-subsidized NPR has leaned left since its inception in 1970. But the network had some good reporting and used to keep its most radical elements mostly in check.

Public radio even features discussions pitting conservatives against liberals on various issues. I did some of those when I worked as a cultural policy analyst for the Family Research Council and Concerned Women for America.… Continue Reading

RFK Jr. Is Right About Joe Biden

Written by David Harsanyi

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. can be an unhinged leftist and crackpot, but he also happens to be correct about President Joe Biden‘s attacks on constitutional order, particularly free expression.

Speaking to an incredulous Erin Burnett on CNN this week, Kennedy argued that Biden was a bigger threat to “democracy” than Donald Trump, a position that clashes with the media’s entire 2024 campaign messaging.

In a more decent world, we’d be debating which presidential candidate was better at upholding the constitutional order, rather than which one was worse.… Continue Reading

Exposing Deep State Corruption – Illinois State Board of Elections Outed?

Written by Nancy Hayes

Illinois Republican candidate Adam Niemerg was removed from the ballot for the upcoming March primary due to failure to “properly notarize his statement of candidacy.”

This was ruled a failure on Niemerg’s part to fulfill his obligation under the Illinois Notary Act.

Recently, two citizens asked the Illinois State Board of Elections to follow these same statutes for Joe Biden for President. It appears that like Niemerg, Biden is also in violation of the Illinois Notary Act for failure to “properly notarize his statement of candidacy.”… Continue Reading

Biden and the Press: Is He the Bumper-Bowling President?

Written by Tim Graham

Is President Joe Biden treating the press better than former President Donald Trump did? It’s a low bar to argue he doesn’t describe the media as “enemies of the people.” Is he really treating them as they view themselves — as representatives of the people? Or is he not interested in addressing the people? Are they all too negative?

Ben Smith at reported on the White House holiday party for journalists, described as a chance “to dispel his main problem with the U.S.… Continue Reading

The Media Mourn End of Biden-Big Tech Censorship ‘Partnership’

Written by Tim Graham

Inside the silo of the “legacy media,” they are alarmed that left-tilting government bureaucrats are being discouraged from telling social media platforms what speech they should suppress … in the name of “democracy.”

In 2020, these platforms crushed damaging stories about Hunter Biden and “conspiracy theories” about COVID emerging from a Chinese lab. It doesn’t matter now that the “suppressed” side was correct, and the “misinformation” actually came from the Left. The Washington Post expressed alarm under the headline: “U.S.… Continue Reading

‘No Evidence’ of Joe Biden Being Involved in the Family Business Keeps Piling Up

Written by David Harsanyi

Joe Biden defenders have been on a wild ride this past year. It began with them arguing that the president knew absolutely nothing about his family’s influence-peddling business to arguing that it’s no big deal that Chicom wire payoffs happen to have Biden’s home address listed on them.

The quality of the excuses, unsurprisingly, has been deteriorating rapidly. They largely entail repeating the words “no” and “evidence” in a perpetual loop. But, this week, when James Comer released financial records of Hunter Biden receiving two wire transfers totaling $260,000 in 2019 from Beijing with the president’s Delaware home listed as the beneficiary address, the White House jumped into action.… Continue Reading

Dems And News Media Allies Test The Limits of Denial on Biden Family Corruption

Written by Robert Knight

As the evidence of impeachment-worthy Biden family corruption piles up, so do the absurd defenses mounted by Democrats and their media allies.

The Washington Post, which has not returned its ill-gotten Pulitzer for ginning up the false “Russian collusion” narrative against former President Donald Trump, is charging that the congressional inquiry into the Bidens is merely political gamesmanship.

“Republicans cheapen a vital power of the House,” a Post editorial headline proclaimed Thursday.… Continue Reading

Biden Scandal Will Have Us Looking To The Amish For Help

Written by Robert Knight

Off the main roads, where all you see are cornfields, farms, cows, horses and an occasional buggy, it’s easy to forget the predatory culture that has eclipsed normal American life in most other places.

A peaceful spirit animates the countryside inhabited by the Amish, a growing sect in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, and more than two dozen other states.

“English” visitors, which is what the Amish call everyone else, seem to sense that they should behave better.… Continue Reading

How Will America Handle The Next Pandemic?

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

This past week, while the nation sat transfixed by endless stories of President Joe Biden‘s pathological dishonesty, Hunter Biden‘s cocaine-laced corruption and U.S. Representative Nancy Mace’s just-plain-weird boasting of her wanton sex life, another headline of equal if not more significance may have escaped your attention.

On July 24, the World Health Organization reported that a male citizen of the United Arab Emirates had been hospitalized with MERS-CoV, a coronavirus variant with a 35 percent mortality rate.… Continue Reading