Category: Drugs/Alcohol/Addictions

SPOTLIGHT: Doctor-Assisted Suicide From the Perspective of a Doctor

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this week’s episode of Spotlight podcast, Dr. Benjamin German discusses physician-assisted suicide from his perspective as a medical-care provider.

Dr. German is a primary caregiver in the Lawndale Christian Health Center and serves as an Illinois Representative in the Academy of Medical Ethics, which is the biomedical arm of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations.

Dr. German’s speech will discuss how medically-assisted suicide works and the ethics surrounding medically-assisted suicide.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: A Legislative Update

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this episode of Spotlight, Monte Larrick sits down with IFI Springfield Lobbyist, David Curtin, in order to get his perspective on the upcoming Illinois legislative sessions.

A bill that has a lot of conservatives in Illinois concerned is SB 3499 (Physician-Assisted Suicide). David Curtin comments,

The assisted suicide legislation is a very coordinated national effort and they’ve already done it in a few other blue states, and Illinois is the next state they usually stop at to try to pass something like this… [Physician Assisted Suicide] would allow physicians to dispense some pills to a person who is diagnose with a terminal illness to kill themselves at home.

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SPOTLIGHT: Christ & The Human Mind

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

This episode of Illinois Family Spotlight features Dr. Karl Benzio, a Christian Psychiatrist who serves with the AACC (American Association of Christian Counselors). He is s the co-founder of Honey Lake Clinic, a board certified Christian mental health treatment facility located in Greenville, Florida.

In this interview, Dr. Benzio focuses on how God designed the mind to work and how we can properly steward our mind in our decision-making process.

This is an amazing interview you don’t want to miss.… Continue Reading

Pritzker’s Myopia Ignores Open Borders

Written by David E. Smith

Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker is back in front of his liberal friends in the news media to complain about the immigration crisis, which is trickling up to the Midwest.

As you may remember, Pritzker sent an open letter to President Joe Biden three months ago begging for federal tax resources to deal with the so-called “asylum seekers” being bussed to Illinois from Texas. Not once in this three-page appeal did he ask the administration to shut down the border or reinstate the quasi-successful “Remain in Mexico” policy of the Trump Administration.… Continue Reading

Mother Shares How “Medical” Marijuana Caused The Death Of Her Daughter

Posted by David E. Smith

Late last month, state lawmakers in North Carolina held a hearing to discuss a proposal to legalize so-called “medical” marijuana. SB 3—NC Compassionate Care Act. During the hearing, Corinne LaMarca testified against the bill, sharing the story of her daughter, Jennifer. She shared that Jennifer was an excellent student and a talented athlete. She studied Intelligence and Analysis Research in college and wanted to use this degree to fight illicit drugs.… Continue Reading

Connecting the Dots of Mass Shootings

Written by Ronald Kessler

The failure to stop the 9/11 terrorist plot was blamed in large part on a failure to connect the intelligence dots.

Now a similar failure is preventing the country from recognizing what is behind the massive increase in mass shootings: the increasing legalization and potency of marijuana.

The connection should be obvious. A new study backed by the National Institute on Drug Abuse estimates that 30% of schizophrenia cases in men aged 21 to 30 are linked to cannabis addiction.… Continue Reading

Who Exactly Are The Marijuana Offenders Biden Just Pardoned?

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Unless you were at the Capitol on January 6, federal prosecutors don’t target you for prison for simply possessing marijuana. In fact, in this era of marijuana as the national pastime, you won’t find anyone originally targeted by prosecutors for nothing more than simple possession serving time in prison. So, when Biden makes a grand announcement that he is pardoning all those convicted of simple possession, you know there is more to it than meets the eye.… Continue Reading

Loves Park: JUST SAY NO!

On Monday, November 1st, Loves Park aldermen will vote on allowing recreational marijuana businesses to set up shop. Because of the flood of marijuana revenue into the state coffers as a result of the lockdown, they see an irresistible cash cow.

What they apparently aren’t taking into consideration is the rise in suicides, and drug and alcohol use due to the lockdown policies and an increase in unemployment, business closures and domestic violence. Marijuana is not the answer.Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: How Regressive Legislation Forms Cultural Norms

Written by Benjamin Smith

In this week’s Spotlight, Pastor Calvin Lindstrom sits down with Dave Smith and Monte Larrick to discuss the distorted message and disastrous impact of the growing weed wave that is flooding the nation and the incestuous relationship between our elected officials (and their family members) and Big Marijuana. They also offer information about the “opt-out” option for counties and detail how you can encourage your local officials to opt-out of retail marijuana establishments in your area.… Continue Reading

Abortion: The People Are Catching On

Written by William Murchison

So, when the U.S. Supreme Court numbered abortion among our precious constitutional rights, we expected everlasting bliss? Anything but the present knock-down-drag-out over Roe v. Wade and its prospects for survival?

I mean, we’re stunned to see state legislatures moving to outlaw abortion? Why? On what grounds? America is presently absorbing a major political science lesson. To wit, a social revolution commenced and overseen by a coterie of philosopher kings — Platonic guardians, you could say — is a non-starter.… Continue Reading