Posts tagged: Marxism

Leftist Red-Green Axis Exploits Weather To Increase Its Power

Written by Robert Knight

Another scorching July week and another dire media warning that my car, your lawn mower and Aunt Jenna’s stove are heating up the Earth. Something drastic needs to be done.

It’s been hotter than usual and for longer, especially on the West Coast. The Los Angeles Times calls it “unprecedented.”

This is not to minimize the human cost of extended heat waves, but this is not a unique time. In the 1930s, many states set high-temperature records that still stand.… Continue Reading

America-Hating Members of The U.S. Congress Side With Hamas

Written by Robert Knight

The left is becoming unhinged and exposed.

During Hamas’ murderous invasion of Israel on Oct. 7, U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), and her group of America-hating congresswomen actually sided with Hamas.

U.S. Representative Rashid Tlaib (D-MI), called for Israel to end its “occupation of Palestine” and for the U.S. to stop aiding Israel.

U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MI) who has called Israel “evil,” said that Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant had called all Palestinians “human animals,” even though he was clearly referring only to the Hamas terrorists who had committed unspeakable atrocities.… Continue Reading

Conservatives Are Finally Winning a Culture War. Time to Double Down.

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Historically, even when conservatives appear to be temporarily winning on some issue, it’s really a sign of losing ground long-term to every leftward shift of the Overton window of politics. For example, as we temporarily appear to be winning on one cultural onslaught of the left, it’s only because we long ceded the previous battle, leaving leftists with new territory to claim, which they inexorably do. However, there are signs that with the transgender obsession, the Overton window might be shifting to the right – for the first time ever!… Continue Reading

America’s Church Leaders Now Wolves in Shepherd’s Clothing

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

American culture is unraveling. Few would argue otherwise. Whether you stand on the right or left of the political divide, we all seem to agree on one thing: Something is desperately wrong.

The United States has become the divided states. “E pluribus unum” has become “ex uno plures.” Where we were once a diverse people coming together in common cause, we now seem to be a fractured country with no social and moral glue to hold us together.… Continue Reading

Mark Zuckerberg’s Metaverse And The Progressives’ Dark Pedigree

Written by Robert Knight

What do socialists, Marxists, “transhumanists,” Mark Zuckerberg’s Metaverse, the LGBTQ movement, “woke” academic and corporate leftists, Davos economic elites and the left-wing of the Democratic Party have in common?

They are all invested in a progressive, secular worldview based on the idea that humans evolve toward higher levels of being and just need help getting there.

Implicit is the idea that God is an antiquated superstition, not the benevolent, omniscient creator of the universe.… Continue Reading

The Cloward-Piven Strategy Remix: Criminal Justice

Written by Abraham Hamilton III

In recent years, there’s been a massive surge of crime in America’s major cities, including violent crimes and murder specifically. For example, there were 397 murders in Los Angeles in 2021. According to Los Angeles Magazine, that was an 11.8 percent increase from the 355 murders in the city in 2020 and a 53.9 percent increase from the 258 murders in the pre-pandemic year of 2019. Three hundred ninety-seven murders was the highest total in the city since 395 people were murdered there in 2007.… Continue Reading

I’m Done With The Democrats’ ‘Good Intentions’

Written by Robert Knight

I used to chalk up liberal policy failures to good intentions gone awry.

Having embraced liberalism in college, I thought it was the best way to help poor people. But as evidence mounted that it hurt them, I had to reassess. Many people also do that after taxes shred their paychecks, especially if they marry and have children.

This is one reason Democrats have been reflexively hostile to marriage, using the courts to redefine it.… Continue Reading

Leftists Believe That All Our Earnings, Like Our Children, Belong To The Government

Written by Robert Knight

Remember when Democrats proposed in their multi-trillion spendathon that the IRS would track all transactions of $600 or more in personal bank accounts?

Well, they took a licking from the public, so they upped it to a still-absurd $10,000 in total yearly transactions.

This means they want the IRS prowling into bank accounts of everyone who has either deposits or withdrawals over an entire year totaling $10,000 or more, excluding wage income.… Continue Reading

Notes on Woke

Written by Peter Pavia

Sometimes it seems as if the institutions of our seasick culture have embraced the same way of thinking, that is, that every problem is a public-relations problem crying out for a public-relations solution. This obsession with creating appearances instead of addressing realities infects the media, the academy, the entertainment industry, and is currently seen in the hilariously cynical cover-your-backside missives of giant corporations. “We at Verizon. . .,” “We at Spectrum …,” “We at Citigroup …”—all reflexively professing to be driven by DEI values: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (and to which recently, a fourth “value” has been added—Belonging.… Continue Reading

NFL Salutes Woke Culture

Written by Robert Knight

Five years ago, on Sept. 11, 2016, the National Football League unveiled a remarkable two-minute video, “Football Is America.” Featuring well-known black and white players, the video saluted the military, first responders, and the idea of e Pluribus Unum – out of many, one. They didn’t actually use the phrase, but it was clearly the message.

Football, the players said, was a great healing agent following the horror of the 9/11 terrorist attack 15 years earlier.… Continue Reading