Posts tagged: Hakeem Jeffries

Left-Wing Media Warn About the New ‘Extremist’ Speaker

Written by Tim Graham

The good news for Republicans is they finally elected a new speaker of the U.S. House of Representative, Mike Johnson. The bad news for Republicans is the “objective” media exist to create bad news for Republicans. The “Politico Playbook” announced the breaking spin over the breaking news:

“Johnson is about to become for Democrats what Nancy Pelosi was for Republicans: a base-motivating, money-raising boogeyman who embodies everything they dislike most about the other party.

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Canada, Big Brother, and a U.S. Congressional Race

Written by Laurie Higgins

Bear with me while I weave together some disparate threads into a whole cloth.

First up is a frightening story from Canada—the “progressive” dreamscape in which Big Brother rules with an iron fist, censoring, indoctrinating, usurping parental rights, and threatening imprisonment of anyone who claims 2 + 2 = 4. This story should serve as a warning to Republicans in the United States.

Robert Hoogland, father of a now 15-year-old daughter, is living in the “progressive” dreamscape otherwise known as a living nightmare.… Continue Reading