Posts tagged: George Floyd

Grandma’s J6 Case Highlights Justice Double Standard

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Have you ever wondered what our jails and prisons would look like had the Black Lives Matter rioters of 2020 been given the “January 6 treatment”? Well, it’s hard to envision such a parallel universe. We don’t have enough jail cells to house the tens of thousands — if not hundreds of thousands — of individuals who would be languishing in prison for years based on the January 6 standard of justice.… Continue Reading

NPR’s Lurch to the Left

Written by Robert Knight

For years, those of us in the media have known that National Public Radio could also be called National People’s Radio.

It’s no secret that tax-subsidized NPR has leaned left since its inception in 1970. But the network had some good reporting and used to keep its most radical elements mostly in check.

Public radio even features discussions pitting conservatives against liberals on various issues. I did some of those when I worked as a cultural policy analyst for the Family Research Council and Concerned Women for America.… Continue Reading

Joe Biden’s ‘Sanctuary Nation’ Policies Made Laken Riley’s Death Possible

Written by Daniel Horowitz

When George Floyd died under disputed circumstances in 2020, a spontaneous, rapturous global movement emerged to lionize him and use his death to demand changes to our policing and criminal justice system. The movement succeeded, and it resulted in the worst crime wave in a generation.

Laken Riley, a young nursing student in Georgia, was brutally murdered last week, allegedly by an illegal alien from Venezuela. Where are the cries of “justice for Laken”?… Continue Reading

Pro-Hamas Support Among Young Americans is Troubling

Written by Daniel Horowitz

The pandemic taught us that a stunning number of Americans would deprive their fellow citizens of their rights or even consign them to their deaths if they disagreed with the prevailing “scientific” narrative. To refuse the so-called vaccine was to invite all manner of vitriol and abuse — “Denier!” “Grandma killer!” — even if the accusers had availed themselves of such amazing protection. If that weren’t bad enough, some Democrats even called for murder charges against those who refused to wear a mask.… Continue Reading

America-Hating Members of The U.S. Congress Side With Hamas

Written by Robert Knight

The left is becoming unhinged and exposed.

During Hamas’ murderous invasion of Israel on Oct. 7, U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), and her group of America-hating congresswomen actually sided with Hamas.

U.S. Representative Rashid Tlaib (D-MI), called for Israel to end its “occupation of Palestine” and for the U.S. to stop aiding Israel.

U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MI) who has called Israel “evil,” said that Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant had called all Palestinians “human animals,” even though he was clearly referring only to the Hamas terrorists who had committed unspeakable atrocities.… Continue Reading

Why Do Leftists Despise Anything to Do with America?

Written by Brian Wencel

For the second time in the last two months, a statue of Abraham Lincoln in Edgewater’s Senn Park in Chicago has been vandalized by a group of unruly leftist activists. It’s par for the course for activists to go around vandalizing monuments during their little temper tantrums, but a statue of Abraham Lincoln? What could someone possibly have against Abraham Lincoln? Didn’t he play a major role in ending slavery and bringing our nation back together, a feat that should easily give him the status of “hero?”… Continue Reading

The Left’s Victim Mentality and Diabolical Plot to Divide Us by Race

Written by Robert Knight

Well, it’s official. The only cheap gasoline that President Biden seems to like is the stuff he keeps pouring on the bonfire of racial grievance politics.

“Evil will not win,” he said during his speech in Buffalo in the wake of the supermarket mass murder of mostly Black victims by an unhinged nutcase, white supremacist suspect. “We have to refuse to live in a country where fear and lies are packaged for power and profit.”… Continue Reading

Black Lives Don’t Matter to BLM: Thousands More Killed by Homicide Since 2020

Written by Daniel Horowitz

It had even more corporate and cultural support than the vaccines and Ukraine. It was the greatest juggernaut in politics that even ensnared many Republican politicians. Yet never have we seen a movement that accomplished the opposite of what it was purported to do in such a short time frame. It turns out that as a result of the BLM-induced crime wave, reversing a generation-long trend of reduced crime, there were thousands of excess black homicide victims, a body count that is still climbing.… Continue Reading

Going Woke: An Insider’s Look at Corporate America’s “Social Justice Scam”

Written by Richard Kocur

Coca-Cola, Google, Delta Airlines, Blackrock, Unilever, and Facebook. On its face, this list may sound like a great investment portfolio. Instead, as shown in a new book by former biotech CEO Vivek Ramaswamy, these companies serve as the posterchildren of woke capitalism.

Ramaswamy, author of Woke, Inc.- Inside Corporate America’s Social Justice Scam, uses examples from these companies, and many others, to assert his belief that woke organizations who signal commitments to various social causes do so to scam consumers with “the illusion that by engaging in normal acts of consumption we’re fulfilling our social obligations.” … Continue Reading

Chicago: Shrinks Will Answer 911 Calls. Cops Shoot Too Many Crazy People

Written by R. Cort Kirkwood

As Chicago braces for another weekend of wanton gunfire, mayhem, and murder, the city has announced that headshrinkers will answer 911 calls for “mental health emergencies.”

In other words, the Sun-Times reported, if someone calls 911 because his neighbor crows “I’m cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs” in the wee, small hours every morning, a burly cop with a stun gun and a Glock 9mm might not be the right medicine.… Continue Reading