Posts tagged: Benito Mussolini

These Vacuous Words Can Mean Anything a Democrat Wants Them to Mean

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

January 6 has come and gone, and we need no longer be confused. Our wise and learned betters in the White House and the media have graciously reminded us that they are the final authority. They determine definitions. They decide what the words we use daily to define our laws, culture and freedoms mean. We no longer need to wonder what our overseers intend when they talk about such things.

Here is a glossary of terms for your convenience.… Continue Reading

Impatient Democrats Hear The Clock Ticking

Written by Robert Knight

Once upon a time, Democrats were terrified that a power-mad White House would ignore the “will of the people.” They warned of dire consequences if the president did end-runs around the U.S. Congress.

That was between 2017 and 2021. They subverted the Trump presidency every way they could while he painted within constitutional lines. Now, with an eye on November, they are urging President Biden to go “beast mode.” He already has.… Continue Reading

China’s Religious Rules: Coming to an American Church Near You?

Written by Jorge Gomez

For those who think that America could never descend into dictatorship, let this be a warning sign that tyranny could already have arrived on our shores.

The latest indication comes from examining China’s newest rules for religious personnel that went into effect earlier this month. Set by China’s State Administration for Religious Affairs (SARA)—a Big Brother-style religious oversight body—these regulations outline the rights and characteristics of religious work in China, and the obligations of those with religious roles.… Continue Reading

Bernie Sanders on Cuba: “Is That A Bad Thing?”

Written by Hugh Fitzgerald

On 60 Minutes, Anderson Cooper asked Bernie Sanders about his early enthusiasm for Fidel Castro, the late Cuban dictator. Sanders said that he was no longer an enthusiast, but did want us all to remember that Castro had done some good. He praised the literacy program implemented by Castro, asking, “Is that a bad thing?”

No, it’s a not a bad thing. But it hardly makes up for 60 years of dictatorship, suppression of free speech, torture and imprisonment of political prisoners, destruction of much of the economy which for a long time was kept afloat by infusions of cash from the Soviet Union.… Continue Reading

Trump and the Media War

Written by Jan LaRue

The anti-Trump media are comparing President Donald Trump to Joseph Stalin because the president fires back at his critics.

An allusion to the wisdom of philosophers residing in the joint applies to media whiners: “if you can’t do the time, don’t do the slime.”

The president’s daily dose of name-calling by media includes the following: he’s Hitler, Stalin, racist, Mussolini, Mao, Pol Pot, racist, Nero, racist, mentally deranged, tyrant, racist, unfit, fascist, racist, dictator, hateful, racist, liar, illegitimate, colluder of all things Russian, schmuck, jackass, warmonger, and racist, and that’s just MSNBC.… Continue Reading