Posts tagged: 1619 Project

Democrats Make Race the Measure of All Things

Written by Robert Knight

Did you ever think you would see the day when Jewish students on elite college campuses were afraid to attend classes?

Pro-Hamas mobs have taken over. They have built tent cities and made it clear that Jews and anyone supporting Israel is an enemy.

At Columbia University, Israel-born Shai Davidai, an assistant professor at the business school, was told that his keycard was deactivated after he spoke at a pro-Israel rally.… Continue Reading

The New York Times’ Fake News Has a Russian Accent

Written by Robert Knight

The New York Times has a problem with Russia. And the truth.

For more than three years, the Times pushed the false Trump-Russia collusion story, making the paper an accessory to what amounted to an attempted coup against the 45th president.

For its sordid role, the Times, known as “the Gray Lady,” won a Pulitzer Prize in 2018 for writing on “Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and its connections to the Trump campaign.”… Continue Reading

Leftist Racial Agitation Damages and Divides America

Written by David Limbaugh

Just when you think racial agitators can’t get more outrageous and ridiculous, they do. We see fruits of this evil obsession every single day.

Throughout the pandemic, the media preached that historical racism in the United States disproportionately impacted African Americans. Hollywood bombards us with race-shaming on show after show, using fictional characters to lecture us on the pervasiveness of white supremacy, stirring racial resentment and division in the name of healing.… Continue Reading

Team Biden Intends to Never Let Its Manufactured Crises Go to Waste

Written by David Limbaugh

My major takeaway from President Biden’s joint address to Congress is that he and his handlers are continuing to employ the Democrats’ primary strategy from the Obama years: Never let a crisis go to waste.

To scare the American people into accepting his reckless spending proposals, Joe Biden is leveraging the pandemic, which means he is framing it as still hot, raging and dangerous, while immodestly taking undeserved credit for the progress that we’ve made.… Continue Reading

“Looking to Rebuild A Pro-Family Civilization” (Illinois Family Spotlight #247)

America was founded on the principles of the Scriptures, which contain the prescription for the family unit. Joining Monte Larrick to discuss the absolute necessity of a strong biblical family (one man, one woman–in covenant till death–with many children) for healthy civilization is Dr. Allan C. Carlson, the founder of the World Congress of Families. Monte and Allan discuss the role the biblical family played in the foundation of America, and the problem of familial deterioration all over the world.… Continue Reading

The Case for Closing Public Schools… Indefinitely

Written by Sarah Lilly

For the past year, parents and students across the county, mostly in Democrat-run municipalities, have been experiencing excessive levels of stress due to unending school closures. Red states like Florida, Texas, and South Dakota have been open for months. Meanwhile, the teacher’s unions have a stranglehold on the public schools in Democrat states, refusing to open for a litany of absurd reasons.

Part of me sympathizes with the conservative parents who are struggling to cope with working from home and the online curriculum management of their children.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Dr. Eric Wallace on Woke Teaching Standards in Illinois

Written by Benjamin Smith

The Illinois State Board of Education has approved the proposed “Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading Standards” amendment, and on February 16, JCAR (Illinois’ Joint Committee on Administrative Rules) will vote on its ratification. Dr. Eric Wallace joins Monte Larrick to explain why adopting these “standards” will shift the focus from teaching foundational academics and fostering critical thinking skills to promoting Critical Race Theory and “woke” perspectives that dismiss objective truth. Additionally, they discuss how Illinois parents and taxpayers can most effectively stand against the leftist agenda of student indoctrination.… Continue Reading

Agree With Liberals, or You’re Racist, Xenophobic and Dangerous

Written by Robert Knight

OK, with the “unity” and “healing” rhetoric behind us as we enter the Biden/Harris years, backed by 25,000 troops, we can get back to the business at hand.

That would be the left’s all-out war on free speech, American heritage, limited government, economic freedom, biological truth and Judeo-Christian morality.

After Mr. Biden’s soothing words, his administration took a scorched-earth approach on its very first day. He signed executive orders reversing many positive Trump policies, including controlling the border, achieving energy independence, limiting travel from terror-prone nations, protecting unborn children, keeping biological males out of females’ bathrooms, locker rooms and sports, and assembling the 1776 Commission, which was countering lies about America spread by the malign 1619 Project.… Continue Reading

Ruling Elites Continue Cultural Cleansing Rampage And Not Even Honest Abe Is Safe

Written by Robert Knight

It may be Christmastime, but our ruling elites are keeping up their campaign of cultural cleansing.

Not even Honest Abe is safe.

In San Francisco, a committee tasked to rid the school system of now-disgraced public figures at 44 sites says that a high school named after Abraham Lincoln, who freed the slaves and held America together through the Civil War, ought to drop the Great Emancipator.

“Lincoln, like the presidents before him and most after, did not show through policy or rhetoric that Black lives ever mattered to them outside of human capital and as casualties of wealth building,” explained first-grade teacher Jeremiah Jeffries, chairman of the renaming committee.… Continue Reading

A Woman to Stand Up to AOC: Jeanne Ives

Written by Laurie Higgins

Illinoisans and all other Americans who have watched in dismay at the growing power of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), her leftwing collaborators, and her fawning devotees who are rioting in the streets—also known as Harris/Biden voters—should be deeply invested in congressional races around the country. If we help the campaigns of good candidates and get to the polls, we have a chance to increase GOP representation in the U.S. House and retain GOP control of the U.S.… Continue Reading