Posts tagged: America

SPOTLIGHT: How Did Our Founders View Freedom?

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

How did our Founders view freedom?

In this episode of Spotlight, former Illinois state representative, Peter Breen, tackles this question.

Peter Breen is the executive Vice President and Head of Litigation for the Thomas More Society, a non-profit national public interest law firm that is dedicated to restoring respect in law for life, family, religious liberty, and election integrity.

In his speech, Breen proves that the Founders not only tolerated Christianity, but they also directly promoted it.… Continue Reading

Raja Krishnamoorthi and the CCP

Written by Paul Hurst

Upon reading a recent article in The Diplomat, written by Illinois Democrat Congressman, Raja Krishnamoorthi, I wanted to present some analysis and context to what he shared.

Congressman Krishnamoorthi was considering whether competing with the Chinese Communist Party meant “kicking it when it’s down.” His answer was, “No,” and he instead offered up his 4 Ps of “people, production, partnerships, and protection” and advocated for American “self-examination.”

Let’s unpack this.… Continue Reading

Indicted for Being American (Self Evident #53)

In this episode, Jenna, Alyssa, and Eliana are honored to interview Chaplain Steven Lee and his attorney, David Shestokas. Pastor Lee is currently under indictment (along with former President Donald Trump and others) from the state of Georgia for “interfering and tampering” with the 2020 presidential election.

To support reverend Lee, consider donating to his givesendgo fund.

Self Evident
Self Evident
Indicted for Being American (Self Evident #53)
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This is Self Evident (Self Evident #1)

Hail and well met! Welcome to the inaugural episode of Self Evident!

Hosts Jenna, Eliana and Kenna introduce themselves and why they decided to begin a podcast together. They–by discussing and dismantling subjects prevalent in the Western culture–want to make truth self evident again. Their goal is to to make current cultural events and worldview issues relatable to generation z, and point all those listening to the Gospel and what the Bible says.

Eliana’s website

Kenna’s blog: Good Clean Reads

Follow Self Evident on Facebook!… Continue Reading

“We Should Not Be Ashamed of Our History” (Illinois Family Spotlight #257)

On this edition of Spotlight, the Reverend C.L. Bryant urges Americans to “push back and stand up against the tyranny that is encroaching upon our civil liberties.” Speaking with Monte Larrick, he stresses that individual freedom and our right to self-governance are in jeopardy. Rev. Bryant recounts his experience growing up in Shreveport, LA in the midst of the civil rights movement and contrasts it with the message that proponents of Critical Race Theory are touting today.… Continue Reading

“Critical Grace Reality” (Illinois Family Spotlight #250)

Ever wonder why most secularists seem perpetually angry? Consider the possibility that they are trying to be justified by works–dry bones trying to walk around all by themselves. This phenomena is especially evident in Critical Race Theory (CRT), where people are either prompted to feel like they are the chosen “race,” or are told that they are inherently evil and can only be saved by keeping the “antiracist” law. There is no grace in CRT, only judgement and condemnation.… Continue Reading

“Looking to Rebuild A Pro-Family Civilization” (Illinois Family Spotlight #247)

America was founded on the principles of the Scriptures, which contain the prescription for the family unit. Joining Monte Larrick to discuss the absolute necessity of a strong biblical family (one man, one woman–in covenant till death–with many children) for healthy civilization is Dr. Allan C. Carlson, the founder of the World Congress of Families. Monte and Allan discuss the role the biblical family played in the foundation of America, and the problem of familial deterioration all over the world.… Continue Reading

Robert Spencer: Why I Wrote a Book About American History

Written by Robert Spencer

Advance copies of my latest book, Rating America’s Presidents: An America-First Look at Who Is Best, Who Is Overrated, and Who Was An Absolute Disaster, arrived today, and it is available for preorder now. It is the first book I’ve published in 10 years that wasn’t about some aspect of Islam, and only the second out of 20 books I’ve written that doesn’t deal with some aspect of jihad, Sharia, and related issues.… Continue Reading

PODCAST: Bitter, Shortsighted Never-Trumpers Harming America

Those who refuse to vote for President Trump because they find his tweets and temperament off-putting are small-minded, myopic, self-indulgent traitors to America. They are indulging their antipathy for Trump and their personal vindictiveness at the expense of America’s future.

There is a loathsome campaign afoot by Never-Trumpers/RINOs/Establishment Republicans (aka the D.C. swamp) to bequeath to the next generation a country of far more oppression, far less liberty, far greater educational indoctrination, a darker economic future, and more threats domestic and foreign.… Continue Reading

PODCAST: President Trump’s Mt. Rushmore Speech & the Left’s Unhinged Response

The juvenile, unhinged, and dishonest responses to President Trump’s magnificent Mt. Rushmore speech on July 3, 2020 reveal exactly what patriots are up against. President Trump began his speech by reminding all who call America home of the reason for the existence of the monument at Mt. Rushmore, the reason why America is unique among nations, and the reason so many still want to call America home:…

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PODCAST: President Trump's Mt. Rushmore Speech & the Left's Unhinged Response
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