Posts tagged: Ibram X. Kendi

America-Hating Members of The U.S. Congress Side With Hamas

Written by Robert Knight

The left is becoming unhinged and exposed.

During Hamas’ murderous invasion of Israel on Oct. 7, U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), and her group of America-hating congresswomen actually sided with Hamas.

U.S. Representative Rashid Tlaib (D-MI), called for Israel to end its “occupation of Palestine” and for the U.S. to stop aiding Israel.

U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MI) who has called Israel “evil,” said that Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant had called all Palestinians “human animals,” even though he was clearly referring only to the Hamas terrorists who had committed unspeakable atrocities.… Continue Reading

America’s Church Leaders Now Wolves in Shepherd’s Clothing

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

American culture is unraveling. Few would argue otherwise. Whether you stand on the right or left of the political divide, we all seem to agree on one thing: Something is desperately wrong.

The United States has become the divided states. “E pluribus unum” has become “ex uno plures.” Where we were once a diverse people coming together in common cause, we now seem to be a fractured country with no social and moral glue to hold us together.… Continue Reading

Marxism: 100 Years of Deception — and Counting

Written by Laura Hollis

When helping my daughter with her AP World History class recently, I was struck by the similarities between the present day and the troubled years between the first and second world wars. This similarity was driven home even more strongly by the recent death of Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth II’s spouse of almost 74 years. Philip’s passing reminds us that we will eventually lose Elizabeth herself, who, at 94, is the longest-reigning monarch in British (and world) history.… Continue Reading

The Case for Closing Public Schools… Indefinitely

Written by Sarah Lilly

For the past year, parents and students across the county, mostly in Democrat-run municipalities, have been experiencing excessive levels of stress due to unending school closures. Red states like Florida, Texas, and South Dakota have been open for months. Meanwhile, the teacher’s unions have a stranglehold on the public schools in Democrat states, refusing to open for a litany of absurd reasons.

Part of me sympathizes with the conservative parents who are struggling to cope with working from home and the online curriculum management of their children.… Continue Reading

The Relentless Revolution

Written by Robert Knight

This past month, America’s Progressives showed they will do anything to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. This includes having social media, along with “legacy” media, spike articles by America’s fourth largest newspaper, The New York Post.

But that’s not all. These Marxists are even vowing revenge on Trump supporters if they get back the reins of power.

“When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission,” tweeted Robert Reich, former Labor Department secretary under Bill Clinton and adviser to Barack Obama.… Continue Reading