Posts tagged: CIA

Democrats’ Lawlessness Knows No Bounds

Written by Robert Knight

Lawlessness comes in many forms.

It’s millions of aliens crossing the U.S. border illegally. It is murders, rapes and drug smuggling by ruthless gangs that are exploiting a White House that is intent on creating a new electorate regardless of the cost to Americans.

It’s misusing the law ruthlessly against political opponents, such as a former president of the United States and his former aides.

It is turning security agencies like the FBI, the CIA and the National Security Agency into partisan, one-party enforcers and pressuring media and social media to suppress dissent.… Continue Reading

The Durham Report: Deep State Corruption Exposed

Written by David E. Smith

They lied to the American people.
They have proven that we simply cannot trust our government or corporate media.

Special Counsel John Durham released a 316-page report this week on the origins of the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian officials. It is deeply troubling. Even Mike Pompeo — who  served as director of the CIA (2017 to 2018) and as U.S. Secretary of State (2018 to 2021) — concluded:

The Durham report confirms that intelligence officials pushed the Russia hoax based on lies concocted by Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
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Darkness Before The Dawn

Written by Robert Knight

Have you ever boarded an airliner during a rainstorm and then, minutes later, broken through the clouds to bright sunshine? It can be quite startling. People blink like moles emerging from their burrow.

The sun has been there all along, of course, but when we’re unable to see it from below we can forget how bright it can be.

That’s how believers view this world under God. No matter how bad things get, there is a Creator God who loves us and inspires hope in this life and the next.… Continue Reading

The FBI and Liberal Media Collusion Grinds On

Written by Robert Knight

Someone in the FBI keeps leaking materials that agents seized during the shocking, unprecedented nine-hour raid of former President Donald Trump’s Florida home on August 8.

We know this because supposedly sensitive documents keep turning up in the Washington Post. Of course, they do. The paper justifies its eager role in the FBI-fueled witch hunt against Mr. Trump by claiming concern for “national security.”

If that’s their motive, the Post should report on President Joe Biden’s dangerous foreign policies and his perversion of our armed forces into a “safe space” for Corporal Klinger.… Continue Reading

The New York Times’ Fake News Has a Russian Accent

Written by Robert Knight

The New York Times has a problem with Russia. And the truth.

For more than three years, the Times pushed the false Trump-Russia collusion story, making the paper an accessory to what amounted to an attempted coup against the 45th president.

For its sordid role, the Times, known as “the Gray Lady,” won a Pulitzer Prize in 2018 for writing on “Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and its connections to the Trump campaign.”… Continue Reading