Posts tagged: Republican Party

Students for Life Action Demands GOP Remain Pro-Life

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

Since the reversal of Roe v. Wade in June of 2022, the pro-life issue has become more important than ever before.

With the Republican National Convention coming up on July 15th in Milwaukee, Students for Life Action (SFLAction) understands this crucial moment and is demanding that the Republican Party (Grand Old Party, GOP) maintain its pro-life stance.

While the GOP has been dedicated to the pro-life cause for decades, there are some Republicans (Republicans In Name Only, RINOs) that stand as a hindrance to the pro-life mission.… Continue Reading

Why is the GOP Still Pushing the Left’s Decarceration Agenda?

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Reducing sentences for our already under-incarcerated criminal population is a great goal of George Soros. Yet for the past 15 years, this dystopian objective has been supported by the Kochs and other libertarian front groups that convinced Republicans — and, eventually, Donald Trump — to join the jailbreak bandwagon.

Now, despite the ubiquitous recognition that we have a violent crime problem because of weak deterrent power against criminals, particularly juveniles, the Koch-funded groups continue to wield influence among Republicans to further weaken the criminal deterrent rather than strengthening it.… Continue Reading

Downgrading the Right to Life

Written by David E. Smith 

In our day of weaponized government and intolerance for honest speech, it isn’t difficult to imagine a scenario where politicians would willingly relegate our individual freedoms – guaranteed to us in the U.S. Constitution – to the voters in the states to decide what levels of liberty – and restrictions of those liberties – they would allow going forward.

For those of us in blue states, it isn’t a stretch to imagine how this would play out for the Second Amendment.… Continue Reading

Biden Isn’t Going To Make It

Written by Peter Heck

Something dawned on me a few weeks ago. I am far more intrigued and interested in writing about and discussing the frustrations and failures I perceive occurring within the modern Republican Party than I am the absolute fecal show that exists on the left side of the American political spectrum.

Having committed itself to a policy agenda facilitating the destruction of human life, human nature, and the human family, the modern Democrat Party has disqualified itself from serious moral consideration to men and women of a grounded moral conscience.… Continue Reading

Border Crisis: A Conversation With Darren Bailey

Written by David E. Smith

Recently revealed federal data shows that in December we saw 302,000 migrant encounters at the border, shattering the previous record of 269,000 back in September. That is twice the population size of Joliet and three times the population of Peoria — in a single month. Among those who came in were 19 individuals on the Terror Watch List.

While the Biden Administration has ignored this ongoing crisis over the past three years, former State Senator Darren Bailey and 12th District Congressional candidate says that “the border crisis is the number one threat to our nation.”… Continue Reading

Democrats Were Pro-Choice for Slavery Too

Written by Dr. S.M. Davis

I agree with the articles I’m reading that we need to boldly defend the Pro-Life position, but I have a suggestion for an entirely new strategy to do so. I think this would not only be a winning strategy, but would also strongly win over the black vote. We need to start saying over and over again:

“Yesterday’s Dems supported slavery and today’s Dems support abortion.  In both cases they were denying that someone was or is fully human.

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Will The Omnibust Finally Push Conservatives to Rebel Against The GOP?

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Providing assistance for Ukrainians to defeat the Russians
is the number one priority for the United States right now
according to most Republicans. That’s how we see the challenges
confronting the country at the moment.”
 ~Mitch McConnell

Everything that is wrong with this country is embodied in the 4,155-page omnibus bill negotiated by Mitch McConnell and supported by the majority of U.S. Senate Republicans. Like all bills that fleece the American people, it was dropped in a massive cardboard box at 1:23 a.m.… Continue Reading

The Problem With The Republican Party … Is The Republican Party

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Imagine how amazing things could have been had we woken up last Wednesday morning with Republicans winning 54 seats in the Senate and 250 seats in the House. We’d be off to the promised land, right? Wrong! Actually, from a policy perspective, we’d be in the same place we are today, sans the much-needed introspection that is taking place deep in the souls of conservative politicos – an introspection we’ve needed for decades.… Continue Reading

5 Observations and Outcomes From the U.S. Supreme Court’s Likely Reversal of Roe and Casey

Written by Daniel Horowitz

In one of the most unprecedented bombshells in political history, an apparent draft of Justice Sam Alito’s unreleased majority opinion overturning Roe v. Wade was leaked to Politico Monday night. While this opinion will dredge up endless commentary stemming from legacy moral divisions on the issue, most of the political prognosticating will miss the mark. Moreover, as welcoming as this news is for any pro-life conservative, it does come with some potential pitfalls long-term unless we build on the momentum for other issues as well.… Continue Reading

Richard Irvin EXPOSED!

Written by Kathy Valente

Chicago’s Morning Answer with Dan Proft and Amy Jacobson did a great job exposing the blatant lies, chicanery, and fraud coming out of the Richard Irvin for Governor campaign. During their morning broadcast on Wednesday, April 20th, Dan exposes the following inconvenient facts:

  • Irvin has voted in 8 of the last 9 Democratic primaries.
  • Irvin, as mayor, imposed COVID-19 vaccine mandates on City of Aurora employees.
  • Irvin threatened businesses in the City of Aurora if they didn’t comply with the mask mandate.
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