About a third of the country is moving toward restoring sanity while another third seems hellbent on getting nuttier. The final third might charitably be described as “neutral.” On the sane side, Wyoming recently became the 19th state to reserve women’s sports for women.
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There is a growing volume of incriminating evidence that may lead to articles of impeachment against Joe Biden and other legal action against members of the Biden family. But don't expect the corrupt corporate media to spend much time on this Joe Biden scandal to leverage his political power to enrich his own family. Finding reliable sources of reporting is a must. We are here to help point you to those sources.
The U.S. Supreme Court is under all-out attack. Recent headlines reveal a concerted effort to manufacture an “ethics” scandal about Justice Thomas, the Court’s leading conservative and one of the foremost defenders of religious liberty. Justice Gorsuch has also been the target of this smear campaign.
Decades before the Visigoths invaded Rome, that once-impregnable republic had fallen into decadence. Virtue was no longer taught and people were pacified with “bread and circuses.” The Colosseum served up gladiators, chariot races and the crowd-pleasing spectacle of Christians being thrown to the lions.
It’s unparalleled in human history. No other sovereign nation has ever voluntarily invited millions of invaders, primarily young men, to line up at the border and march into the country. With over 140K estimated illegal aliens just in the past 2 weeks we are out of time to stop this invasion through traditional means. Without control of the federal executive branch, we have no way of directly forcing the DHS to do its job, and we cannot afford to wait until 2025. GOP-controlled states are the only way to immediately stop this invasion.
The failure to stop the 9/11 terrorist plot was blamed in large part on a failure to connect the intelligence dots. Now a similar failure is preventing the country from recognizing what is behind the massive increase in mass shootings: the increasing legalization and potency of marijuana.
Most of us remember this famous Ronald Reagan quote: “The most horrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help”. Unfortunately, the government doesn’t always tell us what we SHOULD know, but rather what they THINK we should know or what they WANT us to hear.
In this special episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick interviews Lt. Colonel Allen West at the 2023 Black Conservative Summit. Allen West is the executive director of the American Constitutional Rights Union, is a constitutional conservative, former member of Congress, and combat veteran.
If you’re honestly following America’s culture wars, you must admit that many of the ideas and values that were once considered a necessary predicate to our constitutional republic have substantially eroded. Key virtues thought to be the bedrock of our free society are no longer recognized. One of the casualties in this battle over definitions and meaning is the word “love.”
In this week’s column, I was going to summarize President Biden’s reelection video from last Tuesday. But George Orwell did it 74 years ago. Big Brother’s slogan in the 1949 novel “1984” mirrors our sunglass-sporting “unity” president. Everything he says is the polar opposite of the truth. 
As with ProPublica's recent smear of Clarence Thomas, there's a lot of excitement across the left-wing Twittersphere over a Politico hit on Neil Gorsuch. But even as a transparent piece of partisan propaganda, it is poorly conceived.