Posts tagged: Transgender

COVID-19 Government Censorship: How Big Med Operates

Written by Robert Knight

If there were any doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic exposed widespread corruption in America’s health care establishment, a federal lawsuit should put it to rest.

Filed by the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana, Murthy v. Missouri accuses the Biden administration of censoring medical views it dislikes.

So, what did the American Medical Association do? The doctors guild lined up with the censors in an amicus brief.

That’s right. It’s their way or the highway, science be damned.… Continue Reading

Ignorant Democrats Refuse to Hear About Gender Mutilation

Written by David E. Smith

Apparently, Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives are terrified of their own agenda. Last week, a group of Democrat lawmakers walked out of a committee meeting en masse rather than watch a short video from a liberal “gender transition” surgeon explaining how the procedures are performed on children.

After sitting through seven hours of markup in the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee, it was finally time for U.S. Representative Kat Cammack (R-FL) to voice her opinion about a bill that would subsidize gender transition surgeries for minors as part of a children’s hospital funding bill.… Continue Reading

Today’s Religion of Wokeism Ignores Logic, Science And Reason

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Two weeks ago, on May 8, 2021, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) became the first mainline Protestant denomination to elect a transgender bishop.

The Rev. Megan Rohrer, a female who insists on using the pronouns “he” and “him,” was elected to serve as the leader of the Sierra Pacific Synod of the ELCA, by a vote 209 yeas to 207 nays. Rohrer will be installed on September 11 at St.… Continue Reading

“Demanding Acquiescence in ALL Areas of Life” (Illinois Family Spotlight #204)

Peter Labarbera, the President of Americans for Truth and the Center for Morality, joins this episode to discuss the recent U. S. Supreme Court decision to rewrite the Civil Rights Act of 1964. After talking about the possible results of the drastic decision, Monte Larrick and Labarbera discussed the “Equality Act” and the 2020 election.

"Demanding Acquiescence in ALL Areas of Life" (Illinois Family Spotlight #204)
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“Relationship Anarchy” (Illinois Family Spotlight #188)

The first half of this week’s Spotlight podcast features Christian broadcaster Janet Mefferd’s interview with IFI’s cultural affairs writer, Laurie Higgins. Their conversation centers on the American Psychological Association’s Division 44: Society for the Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity and the numerous task forces within this division that strive to destigmatize and normalize deviant sexual practices such as polyamory, “ethical” non-monogamous relationships, minor attraction, and more.

Spotlight continues after the break with highlights from a Concerned Citizens for America forum in Rockford.… Continue Reading

“The Sanity as Insurrection” (Illinois Family Spotlight #148)

This edition of spotlight features Pastor Douglas Wilson’s presentation at the Illinois Family Institute’s worldview conference on the Trans Ideology. His talk however, is not limited to the transgender issue, covering the culture war as a whole.

The Reverend Douglas Wilson is a conservative Reformed and evangelical theologian, pastor at Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho, faculty member at New Saint Andrews College, and prolific author and speaker. You can find his blog here.

"The Sanity as Insurrection" (Illinois Family Spotlight #148)
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What Can a Christian Do When Up is Down, Right is Wrong, Regressive is Progressive, Boy is Girl?

Written by Peter Heck

The Apostle Paul’s letter to the Christians in Rome begins with an indictment of the corruption surrounding them that is chilling in its parallels to contemporary American society.  If you doubt me, go read Romans 1, verses 21 through 32, and just try to pretend it isn’t as though Paul is writing a response to our frontpage headlines.

I find myself being drawn back to this passage nearly every time I go to write on the most recent pop culture trend or societal debacle brought on by Orwellian-named progressivism.  … Continue Reading

“Freedom Realized” (Illinois Family Spotlight #099)

Monte Larrick caught up with Stephen Black at the National Religious Broadcasters convention a few months ago. Black has been the Executive Director of First Stone Ministries since 2000.

Monte and Stephen discuss his new book, the reality that people are not born homosexual, the ban on reparative therapy in Illinois, the assault on kids by offering them gender chaos, a new documentary called Tranzformed, the pressing need to fight the push to normalize homosexuality and transgenders, the fact that churches are not immune from gender identity controversies, and social media bias.… Continue Reading

The Left’s Slippery Slope

Written by Elad Hakim

Republicans and Democrats agree on little these days.  This is especially true when it comes to certain social issues.  For example, many Republicans believe in the traditional definition of marriage (man and woman).  Democrats, on the other hand, take a much broader approach.  Republicans tend to believe that a person is born as a man or a woman and that science dictates one’s sex.  Democrats have a different view.  One thing is certain: the country is currently on a left-leaning, steep, and slippery slope to the abyss.… Continue Reading

“The Most Significant Revolution in History” (Illinois Family Spotlight #072)

Written by John Biver

In this week’s podcast, Laurie Higgins joins David Smith to discuss the Trans-Ideology and its effects on our schools, classrooms, and impressionable young children.

Laurie is the cultural affairs writer for the Illinois Family Institute, and “she does an amazing job writing thought provoking and compelling articles that help us think through the contemporary issues and the godless worldviews that dominate the public square.”

Laurie refers to what is going on today as “one of the most significant revolutions in history.”… Continue Reading