Preparing for the 2024 Elections

Illinois Family Action is praying and helping God-fearing conservatives run for elected office. It’s hard to believe, but candidates for the 2024 election cycle will start asking voters for their signatures on petitions September 5th! Candidates need a certain number of valid signatures to be listed on the March ’24 primary ballot. (Candidates can legally file their petitions with the State Board of Elections as early as November 27th or as late as December 4th.) For more information about running for office, please click HERE.

But the purpose of this letter is to ask you to help us out with a donation to our 501c4 work. Right now our account is painfully low. And while I am reluctant to ask you yet again for your financial help, I must. If we hope to make a difference for the candidates we will be endorsing, now is the time we must make this appeal.

Will you consider an online donation of $25-$50 (or more) to support the work of Illinois Family Action (IFA)? Some pro-family voters might think all political hope is lost in Illinois — because Illinois is not a presidential battleground state; or that the “fix” is in; or that Illinois is hopelessly deep blue that it doesn’t matter if they are politically active. That is not true! Many elections for local office and even for the Illinois General Assembly are close races! That is a fact. It is not a cliché to say that “every vote counts” when a pro-family candidate loses by a matter of a few votes.

At Illinois Family Action, we are just doing what God calls us to do:
defend and promote pro-life, pro-family candidates up and down the ballot.

Yes, we do expect a battle. You will only hear negative news from the establishment media. Billionaire Leftists like JB Pritzker will help fund woke candidates to help advance his far-left agenda. That’s to be expected. Yet God wants us to roll up our sleeves to help pro-life and pro-family candidates. We are ready, and we rely totally on God to touch your heart on what you can prayerfully give.

If 200 or 300 of our supporters would donate $25-$50 (or more) at this time, it would give us much needed cash to operate and be more effective in our mission going into this next election cycle. Together we can make a difference by stopping those who would further corrupt the Land of Lincoln.

Promoting turnout among Christians is going to be paramount in this election because we don’t yet have a candidate to be excited about at the top of the ticket (to challenge Dick Durbin). I cannot overstate how important it will be to run a strong “Get Out the Vote” effort in various districts in our state. We may also have to help some great incumbents who will certainly be targeted by leftwing activist groups looking for some victories.

I cannot overemphasize the importance of the work that we have been doing through Illinois Family Action over the past several years. I hope you agree with me that it was necessary to form this 501c4 to engage in the Illinois political fracas and to organize and amplify your voice and the collective voice of social conservatives.

Funding Illinois Family Action is an ongoing challenge, but in a state of over 12 million people where the majority of us haven’t lost our minds, there are plenty of people committed to keeping Illinois from becoming an asylum run by woke inmates untethered from reality and morality.

Please help us meet or exceed this matching challenge so that we can affect the March 20th primary! Thank you for joining with us at this time.

Please DONATE ONLINE or call the IFA office
at (708) 781-9371 to support our work.

Donations to IFA’s political work are not tax deductible.

May God bless you and your family.


David E. Smith
Illinois Family Action
(708) 781-9371