Written by Peter Heck
To say it was a bad look would be an insult to bad looks.
Over the weekend, Jonathan Karl, host of ABC’s Sunday morning talk show “This Week” humiliated himself in a conversation with U.S. Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR).
One of the worst sycophantic performances I’ve seen coming from a mainstream network anchor.
I am a fan of Tom Cotton. Consistently, I find him to be measured, mild mannered, affable, and, on the rare occasions where I disagree with him, reasonable and logical in his approach to issues.… Continue Reading
Tags: ABC News, Brent Baker, Democrat Party, Donald Trump, George Stephanopoulos, Jonathan Karl, Media Research Center, Peter Heck, This Week, Tom Cotton
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
August 29, 2024 6:00 AM |
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Written by Robert Knight
Anything can happen in 2024.
But right now, as the new year dawns, former President Donald Trump holds an insurmountable lead for the GOP presidential nomination, barring an unforeseen circumstance.
The former president also holds a slim but steady lead in polls over President Biden, notably in several battleground states.
Even a conviction on one or more of the many bogus charges filed in four different courts by Democratic prosecutors and being heard by Democratic judges would not derail him.… Continue Reading
Tags: Brian Stelter, Brian Stelter Memorial Award, Clarence Thomas, Democrats, Donald Trump, Fox News Channel, Gavin Newsom, Ginni Thomas, GOP presidential nomination, Jason Johnson, Joe Biden, Joe Scarborough, Kamala Harris, Media Research Center, MSNBC, Sean Hannity
Federal Issues | David E. Smith |
January 3, 2024 8:00 AM |
Comments Off on High Stakes in 2024 Election Are Cause for Anxiety
Written by Tim Graham
White House briefings in the Biden years are often sleepy meetings compared to the Jim Acosta shriek-fests we remember under Trump. President Joe Biden pledged he would be so much nicer to the press corps. He promised to “bring transparency and truth back to the government.” But the press is much nicer to him than the other way around.
Biden provides far less access than Trump did. He avoids press conferences and one-on-one interviews like the plague.… Continue Reading
Tags: Biden Administration, Bill D'Agostino, Catherine Lucey, Chinese Communist Party, CNN, Drew Barrymore, Geoff Bennett, Hunter Biden, Jacqui Heinrich, Jeremy Diamond, Jim Acosta, Joe Biden, John Kirby, Karine Jean-Pierre, Media Research Center, National Security Council, Nicolle Wallace, PBS NewsHour, Peter Baker, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Weijia Jiang, White House
Federal Issues, Media Watch | David E. Smith |
July 8, 2023 7:00 AM |
Comments Off on Scandal Questions Go Down the Latrine Jean-Pierre
Written by Robert Knight
Someone in the FBI keeps leaking materials that agents seized during the shocking, unprecedented nine-hour raid of former President Donald Trump’s Florida home on August 8.
We know this because supposedly sensitive documents keep turning up in the Washington Post. Of course, they do. The paper justifies its eager role in the FBI-fueled witch hunt against Mr. Trump by claiming concern for “national security.”
If that’s their motive, the Post should report on President Joe Biden’s dangerous foreign policies and his perversion of our armed forces into a “safe space” for Corporal Klinger.… Continue Reading
Tags: Biden Administration, Big Media, Big Tech, China, CIA, Donald Trump, FBI, Federal Buureau of Investigation, Hillary Clinton, Hunter Biden, IRS, Jeff Bezos, Joe Biden, Joe Rogan, Leni Riefenstahl, Liz Cheney, Mark Felt, Mark Zuckerberg, Media Research Center, Mike Huckabee, New York Times, NewsBusters, NSA, Obama Administration, Peter Navarro, Post, Pulitzer Prize, Richard Nixon, Robert Knight, Russia, Ukraine, Washington Post, Watergate
Federal Issues, Media Watch | David E. Smith |
September 12, 2022 7:00 AM |
Comments Off on The FBI and Liberal Media Collusion Grinds On
Written by Robert Knight
In the name of “democracy,” Democrats want to get rid of our current system of government.
That’s no small thing, given that the Constitution has held up for 240 years — longer than any other. The founders’ design of a federal republic with representative decision-making and checks and balances has ensured unparalleled freedom and prosperity, unlike “democratic people’s” regimes worldwide.
Some liberals are so angry at U.S. Senator Joe Manchin, West Virginia Democrat, for capsizing Joe Biden’s $5 trillion socialist Build Back Better bill that they want to do away with the U.S.… Continue Reading
Tags: Build Back Better, Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, Democrat Party, Dick Durbin, Donald Trump, E.J. Dionne Jr., Electoral College, Elizabeth Warren, George Soros, Joe Manchin, Kristy E. Lopez, Media Research Center, NAACP, Roe v. Wade, Sherrilyn Ifill, The Washington Post, Washington Post
Political | David E. Smith |
December 27, 2021 10:00 AM |
Comments Off on The Dark Side of The Left’s Tyrannical ‘Democracy’
Written by Tim Graham
A British leftist group calling itself the Center for Countering Digital Hate has issued a report on what it calls the “Toxic Ten,” which are so-called fringe websites spreading “climate change denial.” The ten include our group, the Media Research Center, as well as Breitbart, The Daily Wire, Townhall Media, Newsmax, The Washington Times and The Western Journal.
So, any challenge to Greenpeace climate-crackdown orthodoxy is now classified as “toxic” and “digital hate.”… Continue Reading
Tags: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Angela Eagle, Breitbart, Cat Zakrzewski, Center for Countering Digital Hate, Climate Change, ClimateDepot, Facebook, Google, Green Fraud, Greenpeace, Greta Thunberg, Imran Ahmed, Joseph Vazquez, Marc Morano, Media Research Center, Meryl Streep, NewsBusters, Newsmax, Sheldon Whitehouse, The Daily Wire, The Guardian, The Washington Times, The Western Journal, Townhall Media
Climate Change, Media Watch | David E. Smith |
November 3, 2021 4:00 AM |
Comments Off on Climate Democracy Dies in Darkness
Written by Robert Knight
We’re so far beyond media bias that we’ve entered the Twilight Zone, where nothing is as it seems.
Imagine, if you will, a secure border. You can because the media are blacking out the reality. Hundreds of thousands of illegals are streaming into the United States and are being bused around the country. Despite the extreme severity of the crisis and its implications for America’s future, TV network coverage of the border has plummeted 96 percent since March, according to the Media Research Center.… Continue Reading
Tags: 2020 Election, Bill Donahue, Border Patrol, Christina Ruffini, COVID–19, Dean Obeidallah, Donald Trump, Homeland Security, Joe Biden, Joy Reid, Lester Holt, Media Research Center, Ned Price, Osama bin Laden, Peter Williams, systemic racism, Taliban, Tim Russ
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
August 25, 2021 11:00 AM |
Comments Off on Living In The Liberal Media’s ‘Twilight Zone’
Written by Tim Graham
President Joe Biden averaged a 56 percent job approval rating from his inauguration through March, according to Gallup, about the same as the ratings of former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, and much higher than former President Donald Trump‘s (42 percent). One factor in that approval might be the tone of press coverage.
Rich Noyes and Bill D’Agostino of the Media Research Center studied ABC, CBS and NBC evening-news programs from Jan.… Continue Reading
Tags: ABC, Bill Clinton, Bill D'Agostino, CBS, Dave Weigel, Donald Trump, George W. Bush, Georgia, illegal immigration, Jim Crow, Joe Biden, John Aravosis, Major League Baseball, Media Research Center, NBC, Rich Noyes, Steven DeKnight, Twitter
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
April 21, 2021 7:00 AM |
Comments Off on The Watchdogs Nap for Biden
Written by Tim Graham
Journalists have strongly slanted the “news” during the Trump era in order to destroy Donald Trump’s presidency, and to destroy it early if possible. Their actions betray that they feel they have important and influential platforms from which they can and should run America in between elections. The voters can have a say for about two weeks every two years.
Recall 2004, when Newsweek‘s Evan Thomas admitted the press would go all in for Democratic presidential and vice presidential nominees John Kerry and John Edwards, and that the effort would “be worth maybe 15 points.”… Continue Reading
Tags: Barack Obama, Big Tech, Brian Stelter, CNN, Donald Trump, economic growth, Evan Thomas, Fox News Channel, Hunter Biden, jobs reports, Joe Biden, John Edwards, John Kerry, Kamala Harris, Media Research Center, Newsweek, Operation Warp Speed, Tara Reade, The Polling Company, Tucker Carlson
Federal Elections, Media Watch, Political | David E. Smith |
November 25, 2020 8:00 AM |
Comments Off on The News That Biden Voters Didn’t Know
Written by Tim Graham
Liberals are beginning to swagger around as if the 2020 election is already over. Eugene Robinson at The Washington Post exclaimed that President Donald Trump‘s reelection campaign is “beginning to look like the Titanic.” Joe Biden should be preparing his inauguration remarks.
One reason for this arrogance is the absolutely punishing media coverage of Trump. The coronavirus pandemic did what some might have thought was impossible: made Trump coverage even more negative.… Continue Reading
Tags: Barack Obama, Brian Williams, Democrats, Donald Trump, Eugene Robinson, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Jonah Goldberg, Media Research Center, Michael Flynn, Rich Noyes, The Washington Post
Media Watch | David E. Smith |
June 12, 2020 7:00 AM |
Comments Off on The Media’s Broadcast Brutality Against Trump