Posts tagged: Jim Crow

The Watchdogs Nap for Biden

Written by Tim Graham

President Joe Biden averaged a 56 percent job approval rating from his inauguration through March, according to Gallup, about the same as the ratings of former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, and much higher than former President Donald Trump‘s (42 percent). One factor in that approval might be the tone of press coverage.

Rich Noyes and Bill D’Agostino of the Media Research Center studied ABC, CBS and NBC evening-news programs from Jan.… Continue Reading

Exacerbating Racism in America

Written by Jerry Newcombe

While America has unquestionably had deep racial problems and an agonizing history of oppressing Black people through slavery, Jim Crow, and other outrages, it seems that there are some among us who do not ever want to see the problems solved—or to admit progress in any form. There are those who make enormous profits, both monetarily and socially, by perpetuating the friction caused by America’s racist past, in contrast to Martin Luther King Jr.Continue Reading

Why Compromising With The Equality Act Falls Short

Written by John Stonestreet and Timothy D. Padgett

The most recent incarnation of the Equality Act is also the most radical version we have yet seen. It’s worth noting as well that it’s closer to becoming law than any version so far put forward.

As a friend of mine would say, this isn’t magic; it’s math. This Congressional term, the Equality Act passed the U.S. House of Representatives. Though unlikely at this point, a 50-50 tie in the Senate broken by a Democratic White House is feasible, making the Equality Act a live option.

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The Pro-Biden Press Corps Is Deeply Embarrassing

Written by Tim Graham

President Biden’s first formal press conference is in the books, and it was deeply embarrassing to anyone who thinks the media’s job is to hold presidents accountable.

Taxpayer-enabled PBS White House correspondent Yamiche Alcindor was the worst. She complimented the president, saying: “You’ve said over and over again that immigrants shouldn’t come to this country right now; this isn’t the time to come. That message is not being received. Instead, the perception of you that got you elected as a moral, decent man is the reason why a lot of immigrants are coming to this country and are trusting you with unaccompanied minors.”… Continue Reading

The Black Lives Matter Agenda Is Racist And Anti-Semitic. Why Are Politicians Embracing It?

Written by Daniel Horowitz

When was the last time we saw governments embrace the violent, racialist political agenda of a specific racist organization and make the citizenry obey it by force of law while exempting its adherents from the actual laws on the books? If you are conjuring up images of the KKK during the Jim Crow days in the South, you are not missing anything. So why is this suddenly OK when it comes to an organization that names itself Black Lives Matter?… Continue Reading

The Racist Left

Written by E.W. Jackson

Leftist ideologues live in an alternate universe, a product of their hallucinations of an America that does not exist except in their own demented thinking.

The latest manifestation of this delusional perception is Eugene Robinson‘s opinion piece in the Washington Post on July 5.  Here is some of what he said:

Racism is a feature of the Trump administration, not a bug[.] …

We have not seen such overt racism from a president since Woodrow Wilson imposed Jim Crow segregation in Washington and approvingly showed “The Birth of a Nation,” director D.W.

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The Democratic Party’s Evolving Racism Toward Blacks


Written by Jeffrey B. Shellan

Democrats continue their 200-year tradition of setting low standards for African Americans.

“Rather I should die a thousand times … than see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”Robert Byrd, Democrat Senator (1959 through 2010) and founder of the Sophia, West Virginia chapter of the Ku Klux Klan (150 members)

“I did not lie awake at night worrying about the problems of Negroes.”

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