Posts tagged: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Leftist Red-Green Axis Exploits Weather To Increase Its Power

Written by Robert Knight

Another scorching July week and another dire media warning that my car, your lawn mower and Aunt Jenna’s stove are heating up the Earth. Something drastic needs to be done.

It’s been hotter than usual and for longer, especially on the West Coast. The Los Angeles Times calls it “unprecedented.”

This is not to minimize the human cost of extended heat waves, but this is not a unique time. In the 1930s, many states set high-temperature records that still stand.… Continue Reading

Turning America Into a 3rd World Country

Written by Robert Knight

Another day, another vote-buying scheme from the Biden regime.

[Last] week, President Biden announced $7.7 billion in bailouts to 160,000 more people who owe money on their student loans. Never mind that the U.S. Supreme Court said he had no authority to shift the burden to taxpayers. Under this regime, the U.S. Constitution is Silly Putty.

Expecting people to repay loans for which they agreed to the terms is what Democrats might call “a threat to democracy.”… Continue Reading

Where’s Your Allegiance? Israel or Islamic Hamas?

Written by David E. Smith

As if the pro-Palestinian rallies on university and college campuses are not alarming enough, we have other strong evidence that attests to the fact that support for Hamas Jihad against Israel among college students is higher than it is in the general population. For example, a 2023 poll by Harvard CAPS/Harris found that 48 percent of college-age students (18-24) said they support Hamas, while only 52 percent said they support Israel.… Continue Reading

Practicing Christians Are Now Fascists And Terrorists?

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

What would you say if you were asked what one worldview poses the greatest threat to life, liberty, and human flourishing?

Would your answer be Marxism and its march across history that has left 100 million men, women and children dead in its wake?

Would it be the Third Reich’s socialism and the untold numbers of Jews executed in its “work camps” such as Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Dachau and Buchenwald?

Or maybe you’d say it’s radical Islam and the bloodlust of Boko Haram, al Qaeda, Abu Sayyaf or the Taliban?… Continue Reading

‘Respect for Marriage Act’ is The Latest Example of The Left’s Outright Lying

Written by Robert Knight

If you want to know what Democrats are attacking at any given time, just watch how they label something. It’s the opposite of what it would mean to any normal person.

For instance, “reproductive care” is not about reproducing, that is, having babies. It’s about abortion or preventing pregnancies.

“Gender affirming” or “gender confirming” policies do not verify actual genders. Instead, they deny biology and elevate delusions into enforced falsehoods. They should be called “gender denying” policies.… Continue Reading

Last Pro-Life Democrat in the U.S. House in Trouble as Recent Ratings Changes Confirm

by John Lopez

The first primary in 2022 is Texas on March 1, and in-person early voting began on Monday, February 14.

Like Illinois, Texas has an open primary election, and voter registration in Texas does not require the declaration of a political party for a registered voter, meaning any registered voter can vote in the primary of their choice on primary election day.

But unlike Illinois, Texas’ nominating primary is not winner-take-all. The winner of the primary must earn 50%+1 of the vote. … Continue Reading

Climate Democracy Dies in Darkness

Written by Tim Graham

A British leftist group calling itself the Center for Countering Digital Hate has issued a report on what it calls the “Toxic Ten,” which are so-called fringe websites spreading “climate change denial.” The ten include our group, the Media Research Center, as well as Breitbart, The Daily Wire, Townhall Media, Newsmax, The Washington Times and The Western Journal.

So, any challenge to Greenpeace climate-crackdown orthodoxy is now classified as “toxic” and “digital hate.”… Continue Reading

Stopping Communism One School District At A Time

Written by Robert Knight

Once upon a time not so long ago, Loudoun County, Virginia, was the most conservative county in the Washington, D.C. metro area.

An exurb outside the Beltway with a high-tech corridor rivaling California’s Silicon Valley, plus the Washington Football team’s headquarters and Dulles Airport, Loudoun’s sprawling suburbia is supplanting farmland like super-charged kudzu.

The eastern part is home to more than 100 huge, gray “data centers,” through which more than 70 percent of the world’s Internet traffic flows. … Continue Reading

Kamala Harris Just Keeps Getting Worse

Written by David Limbaugh

No matter how mentally diminished President Joe Biden is, you have to be horrified by who waits in the wings should he leave office before the expiration of his term.

Unfortunately, one of the many consequences of Biden’s mental decline is an impairment of judgment that manifests itself in such reckless decisions as putting Vice President Kamala Harris in charge of the border. It is like making a colicky infant the goalie of a professional hockey team.… Continue Reading

The Pro-Biden Press Corps Is Deeply Embarrassing

Written by Tim Graham

President Biden’s first formal press conference is in the books, and it was deeply embarrassing to anyone who thinks the media’s job is to hold presidents accountable.

Taxpayer-enabled PBS White House correspondent Yamiche Alcindor was the worst. She complimented the president, saying: “You’ve said over and over again that immigrants shouldn’t come to this country right now; this isn’t the time to come. That message is not being received. Instead, the perception of you that got you elected as a moral, decent man is the reason why a lot of immigrants are coming to this country and are trusting you with unaccompanied minors.”… Continue Reading