Posts tagged: Kamala Harris

Biden Claims the Mantle of Unifier-in-Chief … lol

Written by Laurie Higgins

As of this writing, the Democrats have claimed victory for Kamala Harris and her confused running mate Joe Biden. Following numerous reports from key battleground states about Hammers, Scorecards, and the appearance of strange polling place goings on, legal challenges and recount demands have just begun. But Never-Trumpers, lily-livered Republicans, Democrats, and their lapdogs in the media heap ridicule on anyone who dares to suggest that maybe—just maybe—there  could be a corrupt political operative or two in America who could have used hacking tricks of the trade and strong arm tactics at polling places to skew election results.… Continue Reading

Trump’s High Pro-Life Priority

Written by Molly Carman

Soon after his release from Walter Reed Military Hospital where he received treatment for the coronavirus, President Donald Trump prioritized communicating the importance of pro-life legislation. Yesterday, President Trump posted a series of tweets concerning his pro-life convictions by reiterating his stance on the abortion issue and drawing attention to Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s position.

Trump’s first tweet drew attention to comments made by Joe Biden during a town hall meeting last night in Miami, Florida.… Continue Reading

The Relentless Revolution

Written by Robert Knight

This past month, America’s Progressives showed they will do anything to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. This includes having social media, along with “legacy” media, spike articles by America’s fourth largest newspaper, The New York Post.

But that’s not all. These Marxists are even vowing revenge on Trump supporters if they get back the reins of power.

“When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission,” tweeted Robert Reich, former Labor Department secretary under Bill Clinton and adviser to Barack Obama.… Continue Reading

Trump Squeezing the Lifeblood Out of Money-Sucking Critical Race Theory Hucksters

Written by Laurie Higgins

On June 29, 2020, Karen Attiah, the black, 34-year-old Global Opinions editor for Jeff Bezos’ liberal rag the Washington Post and Fulbright scholar who received her bachelor’s degree from Northwestern University and master’s degree from Columbia University, tweeted this:

The lies and tears of White women hath wrought:

-The 1921 Tulsa Massacre

-Murder of Emmet Till

-Exclusion of Black women from feminist movements

-53% of white women voting for Trump.Continue Reading

Tim Keller Just Gave Christians Permission to Support the Party of Human Slaughter

Written by Laurie Higgins

Just last week one of the founders of The Gospel Coalition, Manhattan megachurch pastor Tim Keller, formerly known as a mega-leader in the evangelical Christian community, published a foolish, destructive Facebook post on “Christians and the freedom of conscience in politics,” in which he said,

The Bible binds my conscience to care for the poor, but it does not tell me the best practical way to do it. Any particular strategy (high taxes and government services vs low taxes and private charity) may be good and wise—and may even be somewhat inferred from other things the Bible teaches– but they are not directly commanded and therefore we cannot insist that all Christians, as a matter of conscience, follow one or the other.

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“Progressives”: Agents of Racism, Tyranny and Violence

Written by Laurie Higgins

On Saturday night just before 7:00 p.m., a savage barbarian ran up to a patrol car parked in front of bus station in Compton, California and at point-blank range shot  a 31-year-old deputy sheriff in the jaw and a 24-year-old deputy sheriff in the head. The 31-year-old is the mother of a 6-year-old boy.

Another barbarian whooped it up, delighting in and celebrating the unprovoked, subhuman attack on the deputies in a must-see-to-believe video.… Continue Reading

What a Millennial Biden Voter Thinks About Race

Written by Laurie Higgins

If you haven’t spoken to a Millennial Harris/Biden supporter, continue reading for a better understanding of the ignorance that “Critical Race Theory” (CRT) results in, which in turn should make it clear how critically important it is for President Trump to be re-elected.

Following Monday’s article about President Trump’s outstanding decision to prohibit federal agencies from funding CRT, I had a Facebook discussion with a Millennial who has swallowed the destructive ideology hook, line, and lethal sinker.… Continue Reading

Trump Ceases Federal Funding of Racist Critical Theory Propaganda

Written by Laurie Higgins

Totalitarians and other assorted radicals in America and around the world are fervently hoping Joe Biden will be elected. Communists, Marxists, anarcho-communists, radical Islamists, “trans”-cultists, homosexual activists, feticidal feminists, climate doom-mongers, and Critical Theory racists are cheering attacks on private property, public peace, historical monuments, and American founding principles while spending their days until the election filling balloons with feces and urine to throw at police.

They’re hoping for a Kamala Harris/Biden victory so they can strengthen their iron grip on American institutions and brass-knuckled destruction of our foundational principles.… Continue Reading

Is This Trouble for Joe Biden?

Written by Micah Clark

I know that there is great skepticism towards political polling because of how they are often used to influence rather than measure public opinion. There is also skepticism because many polls seem to prove themselves inaccurate on Election Day.

However, there is a fascinating new poll that may mean trouble for the Biden/Harris ticket. It has findings that you won’t hear on CNN, MSNBC or the other liberal news networks.

The Democracy Institute/Sunday Express Poll shows that President Donald J.Continue Reading

Communist Revolutionaries Openly Back Biden-Harris 2020

Written by Alex Newman

The ongoing merger between the Democratic Party and the fifth column of communist revolutionaries seeking to overthrow America is almost complete, with the bizarre affair finally coming out of the closet amid the 2020 election campaign. In fact, some of America’s most hard-core and prominent totalitarian leaders are openly calling on their supporters to vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris this November.

Foreign communists also reportedly have a strong affinity for Biden.… Continue Reading