Posts tagged: Donald J. Trump

It’s The Violent Gun Felons

Written by Daniel Horowitz

We need not steal people’s guns without due process, as Joe Biden suggests, nor do we need to send in the National Guard to protect America’s cities, as Donald Trump recently suggested. What Chicago’s experience demonstrates is that we simply need to lock up the gun felons and career criminals who have already been found guilty through due process. It’s not so much about funding the police or drastic measures of having the military occupy American cities, but about simply locking up the criminals.

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Illinois Elections

Written by Pastor Calvin Lindstrom

On June 28, 2022, Illinois will hold primary elections. One hundred and thirty-three days later is the general election on November 8, 2022. Through Illinois Family Action, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting many excellent candidates who are running for state and federal offices. Lord willing some of these excellent candidates will win and take office.

The two most significant elections are the race for Governor and U.S. Senate. Do conservative, God-fearing candidates have any chance of defeating two abortion-loving candidates – JB Pritzker and Tammy Duckworth?… Continue Reading

Democrats’ Latest Obsession, The New ‘War on Women’

Written by Robert Knight

We’re in another season of orchestrated, obsessive hysteria.

This time, thanks to the unprecedented leak of a U.S. Supreme Court draft opinion, it’s about abortion.

Earlier obsessions were the Russian collusion hoax, the Trump phone call to Ukraine’s president asking about Biden family corruption (the shocking scale of which is still media-suppressed), the Trump impeachments, the COVID-19 pandemic, the Jan. 6 Capitol riot and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A couple of other stories have made it through the media’s lockstep coverage.… Continue Reading

Richard Irvin Only Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Who Broke From Trump…

… assuming Irvin was ever with Trump

Written by John Lopez

Back on June 25, 2019, Aurora Mayor, now “Republican” gubernatorial candidate Richard Irvin, said the following:

“Aurora was built by and is still sustained by hardworking families where every dollar counts.  We applaud Congresswoman Underwood for her stalwart efforts and fully support H.R.1757 and its goal of providing tax relief to working families.”

As the quote said, Irvin applauded U.S. Representative Lauren Underwood (D-Naperville) in the context of her congressional office’s press release of 6/25/19.… Continue Reading

Christian Conservatives Candidates Wanted, Needed

Written by David E. Smith

The self-government called for in the first sentence of the U.S. Constitution (“We the people”) doesn’t ever take a breather. With elections every two years in our state and nation, one election season ends and another begins. Primary election cycles give way to the General Election cycle whether in presidential years and elections for state constitutional offices or our local consolidated elections.

In the wake of two contrived impeachments against President Donald J.Continue Reading

Hillary Clinton Should Apologize for the Biggest Political Hoax Since Titus Oates

Written by Michael Barone

It’s the biggest political hoax since Titus Oates’s allegations of a “Popish Plot” to assassinate King Charles II in 1678. Oates’s charge of a Jesuit conspiracy swept through London and led to the execution of four innocent men before Oates was proved a fraud.

The full consequences of the great political hoax of our time — the charge that former President Donald J. Trump was colluding with Russia — are not yet fully apparent.… Continue Reading

Democrats Are Not the Working Class Party

Written by Walker Wildmon

For years, we’ve been told that the Democratic Party is the party of the working class. Democrats have traditionally been associated with the workers’ unions and government programs that are aimed at assisting middle- to low-income families. I would submit to you that this association is built on faulty ground.

Democratic elected officials in Washington have made a few major policy decisions that have had tremendous negative effects on middle-to low-income families.… Continue Reading

Press Deceit Is a Pathology

Written by Laura Hirschfeld Hollis

A free country depends upon an honest and vigilant press to demand accountability from the country’s political, economic and cultural leaders.

We are in serious trouble; our press is neither honest nor vigilant.

To the contrary, the national media in the United States is hopelessly biased, selectively incurious and relentlessly deceitful about the most important issues we are facing today. As a result, the health of the nation is at risk.… Continue Reading

Court Packing 2.0: Why The U.S. Supreme Court Should Not Be Changed

Written by John A. Sparks

Six months ago, the idea of expanding the size of the U.S. Supreme Court was side-stepped by presidential candidate Joe Biden, and the issue seemed to wane. But now, “court packing” has surfaced once again—and in two forms. The first is an executive order from President Biden creating a commission to study possible reforms of the U.S. Supreme Court. The second is legislation proposed by progressive Democrats to increase the court’s size by four new justices.… Continue Reading

Team Biden Intends to Never Let Its Manufactured Crises Go to Waste

Written by David Limbaugh

My major takeaway from President Biden’s joint address to Congress is that he and his handlers are continuing to employ the Democrats’ primary strategy from the Obama years: Never let a crisis go to waste.

To scare the American people into accepting his reckless spending proposals, Joe Biden is leveraging the pandemic, which means he is framing it as still hot, raging and dangerous, while immodestly taking undeserved credit for the progress that we’ve made.… Continue Reading