Posts tagged: Chip Roy

Why is the GOP Still Pushing the Left’s Decarceration Agenda?

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Reducing sentences for our already under-incarcerated criminal population is a great goal of George Soros. Yet for the past 15 years, this dystopian objective has been supported by the Kochs and other libertarian front groups that convinced Republicans — and, eventually, Donald Trump — to join the jailbreak bandwagon.

Now, despite the ubiquitous recognition that we have a violent crime problem because of weak deterrent power against criminals, particularly juveniles, the Koch-funded groups continue to wield influence among Republicans to further weaken the criminal deterrent rather than strengthening it.… Continue Reading

The LIABLE Act Would End Pfizer’s and Moderna’s Free Pass

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Should a product that is completely funded, marketed, monopolized, and then mandated by government be less liable than Toyota is for its airbags?

Anyone with a modicum of common sense would understand that the more a product is favored with regulatory shortcuts and other benefits only government can provide, the more the product’s makers should be on the hook for liability if it causes damage. The fact is that the federal government required millions of people — including members of the armed services — to get the jab.… Continue Reading

A Twilight Zone America Endures The Border Crisis

Written by Robert Knight

Whenever I hear the White House insist the border is secure, inflation is no problem, and that boys are really girls if they feel like it, I look around for Rod Serling.

You half expect to see the vintage TV show host emerge from a misty backdrop to say, “What you’re seeing is a replica of reality, not reality itself. You have been transported to a parallel universe where evil is good, wrong is right and bitter is sweet.… Continue Reading

U.S. Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) Gives Blunt Warning to Establishment Republicans

Written by David E. Smith

The U.S. Congress is back in Washington D.C. after its August recess. Funding the swamp is front and center on the agenda, with current appropriations set to expire September 30.

The U.S. House Freedom Caucus has made it perfectly clear: they will not support extending the existing budget unless it includes the U.S. House-passed border security bill and makes reforms to the Justice Department, Federal Bureau of Investigation and Pentagon.

In the video interview below, U.S.… Continue Reading

Congressman Chip Roy Introduces Game-Changing Medical Freedom Bill

Written by Daniel Horowitz

There is no life or liberty so long as our health care is controlled by an artificial government-created cartel. Endless government programs, regulations, subsidies, and market distortions have created a monopoly of health care providers and health care insurers. Government tax policies tether health care to medical insurance and medical insurance to place of employment, while boxing out the patient from being the true consumer. As we saw with COVID, this monopoly is not only a problem with costs, but has deadly consequences, as the government was able to channel tyranny and dangerous protocols through a narrow network of health care administrators, while censoring the few remaining independent practice physicians questioning the narrative.… Continue Reading

Will The Omnibust Finally Push Conservatives to Rebel Against The GOP?

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Providing assistance for Ukrainians to defeat the Russians
is the number one priority for the United States right now
according to most Republicans. That’s how we see the challenges
confronting the country at the moment.”
 ~Mitch McConnell

Everything that is wrong with this country is embodied in the 4,155-page omnibus bill negotiated by Mitch McConnell and supported by the majority of U.S. Senate Republicans. Like all bills that fleece the American people, it was dropped in a massive cardboard box at 1:23 a.m.… Continue Reading

DHS Released Nearly 100K Illegal Aliens in Just One Month: Tip of The Invasion Iceberg

Written by Daniel Horowitz

In one respect, when DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told U.S. Rep. Chip Roy at a recent U.S. House Judiciary Committee hearing that the DHS has operational control over the border, he wasn’t lying. His department is now releasing close to 100,000 illegal aliens per month into the interior of the country. Thus, this is actually a controlled and purposeful mass migration, although there are many more gotaways that funnel through our border during the chaos.… Continue Reading