Posts tagged: Stormy Daniels

A Golden Opportunity to Highlight Biden’s Blunders: September

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Imagine if Republicans were to seize a pivotal moment to engage in a sustained national debate over issues like inflation, crime, national security threats, and the costs associated with Joe Biden’s border policies. No political analyst would suggest that Democrats could withstand such focused scrutiny on top national concerns where a supermajority of voters oppose Biden’s policies.

So, instead of avoiding a budget fight in September, why not confront it head-on?… Continue Reading

Democrats’ One-Party Tyranny is The Real Meaning of ‘Saving Democracy’

Written by Robert Knight

The Democrats’ plan to “save democracy” is pretty clear.

Their first order of business is to defeat former President Donald J. Trump by any means possible, wielding the legal system like a stiletto.

The second is to get rid of as many election integrity safeguards as possible. More about that in a moment, with Virginia as a striking example.

Mr. Trump, whose momentum toward the GOP nomination may be unstoppable, is being hounded on absurd charges by Democratic prosecutors in Democratic-run courts in four jurisdictions with jury pools dominated by Democrats.… Continue Reading

Hey Liberals, On Media Bias, Please Remove the Plank from Your Own Eye

Written by David Limbaugh

What kind of Twilight Zone are we living in when Democrats pretend that the mainstream media are objective journalists and Fox News is an arm of the Trump administration?

People are always talking about media bias, so why am I bringing this up now?

Well, because of two news alerts that popped up on my phone. First, I read that the Democratic National Committee is refusing to partner with Fox News for the 2020 primary debates.… Continue Reading

What’s the Deal With Congressional Republicans?

Written by Brian C. Joondeph

Every few months, Republicans behave stupidly, causing their voters to again ask themselves, “Why vote Republican?”  Supporting congressional Republicans seems an exercise in futility – Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown, ready to kick a conservative field goal, only to have Lucy pull the football away at the last second.  I have asked this question several times

We all know the words to the Republican song we have heard every two years for the past decade.  … Continue Reading