Posts tagged: POTUS

A Golden Opportunity to Highlight Biden’s Blunders: September

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Imagine if Republicans were to seize a pivotal moment to engage in a sustained national debate over issues like inflation, crime, national security threats, and the costs associated with Joe Biden’s border policies. No political analyst would suggest that Democrats could withstand such focused scrutiny on top national concerns where a supermajority of voters oppose Biden’s policies.

So, instead of avoiding a budget fight in September, why not confront it head-on?… Continue Reading

GOP POTUS Debaters Failed To Paint The Big Picture

Written by Robert Knight

I caught the Republican debate on Wednesday. By the time you read this, it will have been analyzed to death. But here’s my take.

Some did better than others (Gov. Ron DeSantis, former Vice President Mike Pence, U.S. Sen. Tim Scott, and former Gov. Nikki Haley). Vivek Ramaswamy stole the show with his outsider pizazz and snappy answers. A little too snappy perhaps, such as his below-the-belt crack that he was the only candidate not “bought and paid for.”… Continue Reading

Trump’s Accomplishments: The Case for Four More Years

Written by Kathy Valente

There are many people who do not like the personality of President Donald J. Trump and his unorthodox methods of communicating. Some have even gone so far as to say that they couldn’t vote for him because of his temperament and/or boorishness.

Having concerns about or aversions to President Trump’s style is understandable. You don’t have to like him. When it comes to picking the commander in chief of the United States, we believe that voters should carefully consider President Trump’s record of achievements over the past four years and his goals for a second term.… Continue Reading

Robert Spencer: Why I Wrote a Book About American History

Written by Robert Spencer

Advance copies of my latest book, Rating America’s Presidents: An America-First Look at Who Is Best, Who Is Overrated, and Who Was An Absolute Disaster, arrived today, and it is available for preorder now. It is the first book I’ve published in 10 years that wasn’t about some aspect of Islam, and only the second out of 20 books I’ve written that doesn’t deal with some aspect of jihad, Sharia, and related issues.… Continue Reading

The Democratic Party: No More Moderates

Written by Walker  Wildmon

With the rise of U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary, I have caught myself calling other Democratic candidates moderates compared to Sanders. The reality is there are no moderates left in the Democratic Party.

The Democratic National Convention published its party platform in 2016 which outlines the party’s position on a wide array of issues.

Multiple times throughout the platform, it is made clear that the murder of a baby should be legal throughout all nine months of pregnancy.… Continue Reading

Should Politicians in the Wealthy West Promote Abortion in Poor Countries to Curtail Climate Change?

Written by Vijay Jayaraj

Some issues transcend partisan politics. This is one of them.

In a special debate on climate change hosted by CNN in September, United States presidential candidate U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) suggested using taxpayer money to fund abortion in poor countries. He believes doing so would help fight climate change.

In the debate, an audience member said, “Human population growth has more than doubled in the past 50 years. The planet cannot sustain this growth….… Continue Reading

If Only We Could Impeach the Left-Wing Media

Written by Trevor Thomas

In order to remove the U.S. president, the vice president, federal judges, and other federal officials from office, Article I, Section II of the U.S. Constitution gives the U.S. House of Representatives “the sole Power of Impeachment.”  Article I, Section III gives the U.S. Senate “the sole Power to try all Impeachments.”  In the history of the United States, the U.S. House has initiated impeachment proceedings dozens of times; however, only 19 individuals have faced actual Articles of Impeachment.… Continue Reading

Joe Walsh Challenging Trump in the Primaries (Part 1)

Written by David E. Smith and John Biver

Joe Walsh, one-term congressman and failing radio talk show host, announced on August 25th that he is now a candidate for president of the United States and will challenge President Donald J. Trump in the Republican primaries. No, this is not an article from the satirical website The Onion.

According to one news source, other people considering a run against President Trump are “former Tennessee Senator Bob Corker; Mark Sanford, a former South Carolina congressman who was also the state’s governor; and former Ohio Governor John Kasich.”… Continue Reading

Both Candidates Hide Health Concerns


Written by Micahel Medved

Many Americans feel desperately dissatisfied with their choices in this presidential campaign, but they may take some comfort in the thought that serious health issues could yet sideline one, or both, of the major party contenders.

Neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump has released comprehensive medical records to address serious concerns about the physical condition of these two aging Boomers. If the 70-year-old Trump wins in November, he’ll become the oldest individual ever to assume the nation’s highest office.… Continue Reading

How to Lose Freedom in One Easy Step


Written by Micah Clark

Millions of Americans may be watching the Republican national convention this week.  Some data is finding that this in an election year in which record numbers of voters seem to be interested in deciding who will be our next president.   For example, the Republican primary has seen a 62% increase in voter turnout this year over 2012, from 19.2 million votes four years ago to 31 million this year.

This may be why a new study of church engagement has caught pollsters by surprise.… Continue Reading