Posts tagged: COVID–19

Workers’ Freedoms Including Classification, Right-to-Work, Illinois Law and the PRO Act Come to Forefront for 2022 Elections

Written by John Lopez

Prologue:  On February 13, 2022, John Lopez called-in to the national radio talk show Beyond the Beltway with Bruce DuMont and asked a question to Dan Ronan, associate news editor for Transport Topics, concerning worker classification in the context of independent trucking.  The relevant 2 1/2 minutes clip is cued from the YouTube livestream with the context of the question being California’s Assembly Bill 5 and unintended consequence of legislation targeting Uber and other app-based companies, and the direct impact to inflation and the supply chain challenges within the trucking industry.Continue Reading

Fake Science and Totalitarian Temptation

Written by Robert Knight

Did you know that a recent national survey found that nearly half (48 percent) of Democrat voters want to fine or imprison people who publicly question on social media the efficacy of COVID-19 shots?

The same Rasmussen poll says 59 percent of Democrat voters approve the use of government power to confine unvaccinated people to their homes except in emergencies.

And you thought we could all just get along and agree to disagree.… Continue Reading

Why is the Media Avoiding COVID Coverage Like the Plague Now?

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Florida media figures have been accusing Gov. Ron DeSantis of promoting a phantom bill they dishonestly call the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. But, in fact, they would like him to abide by a bizarre new dictate in the world of media censorship: “Don’t say COVID.” Yes, the very topic that they held like a shark grasping its prey for nearly two years is suddenly taboo, as the USA Today-owned Palm Beach Post ran a headline titled, “Is Ron DeSantis addicted to COVID?”… Continue Reading

Disney, Big Pharma and Media’s War on Children

Written by Robert Knight

So, Mickey, Goofy and the gang have joined the war on children’s innocence. If Walt could spin one more time in his grave, it would be now.

Walt Disney Company CEO Bob Chapek announced this past week that the entertainment giant has joined the leftist mob opposing a bill backed by Republican Governor Ron DeSantis and passed by the legislature that would protect young children from exposure to LGBTQ themes.

In the latest example of corporate genuflection to all things radical, Mr.… Continue Reading

COVID-19 Science or Blind Compliance

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

[On] Monday, Jan. 24, 2022, U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), conducted a hearing on the issue of COVID-19 interventions. More specifically, the senator invited testimony regarding our military’s new practice of requiring mRNA injections of all our nation’s soldiers. Mr. Johnson’s goal was quite simple and straightforward. He wanted to learn what the available data shows concerning this new drug’s efficacy and potential side effects.

Why is this important?

Well, it is pretty simple.… Continue Reading

The COVID Debacle Should End All Calls For Government-Run Healthcare

Written by Peter Heck

Liberal commentator Bari Weiss made headlines last weekend by prosecuting the actions of U.S. public health entities and government for their handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, suggesting that future generations will consider them to have committed a “moral crime.”

Her words may have inflamed the Fauci-fanatics in American society, but coming on the heels of the CDC’s stunning admission that natural immunity was six times more effective during the Delta variant wave – despite the fact that public health officials shamed those who were suggesting as much at the time – there are more citizens than ever who are now choosing COVID realism over alarmism.… Continue Reading

‘Great Unifier’ Biden Tells Half The Country To Go To Hell

Written by Robert Knight

President Biden went down to Georgia on Tuesday, following a trail blazed by the devil.

Bemoaning Georgia’s new election law, which is less strict than that of Mr. Biden’s Delaware or Elizabeth Warren’s Massachusetts, Mr. Biden played a tune hatched in hell, the kind of stuff that stokes a civil war, not healing.

Mr. Biden, who earlier called “white nationalists” the greatest security threat facing America, went full demagogue at an Atlanta college: “I will defend your right to vote and our democracy against all enemies foreign and, yes, domestic.”… Continue Reading

Chasing Our Own Tails Has Become The New Pandemic

Written by Daniel Horowitz

As for those of you who are left, I will make their hearts so fearful in the lands of their enemies
that the sound of a windblown leaf will put them to flight. They will run as though fleeing from the sword,
and they will fall, even though no one is pursuing them
. ~ Leviticus 26:36

The hospitals throughout America are stressed and stretched thin. No, unlike during other times of the pandemic, there is not a flood of people coming in with blood clotting and respiratory distress.… Continue Reading

It Is High Time for a Spiritual Revival

Written by David E. Smith

Jackie Gingrich Chushman‘s article titled, “It is Time for a Spiritual Revival,” resonated with me as she lamented the challenges of COVID-19 “lockdowns, masking, sickness, death, fear, overwork, underwork, government stimulus, vaccine creation, the fast-tracking of new antiviral technology, work from home, school closures, supply-chain snafus, tight political elections, protests and rapidly changing guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, just to name a few items.”

As Illinois Family Action continues to monitor legislative activities in Springfield and Washington D.C.… Continue Reading

The Looting Party’s Media Scare Machine

Written by Robert Knight

If you haven’t been unduly anxious lately, just open a newspaper or tune into a TV network like CNN.

Scaring the public is the media’s reason for being.

Not the suits who run the media, understand. The suits may be stylishly “woke,” but they’re in the business to make a buck. I’m talking about the so-called journalists. They are steeped in Marxist theory they learned in college and which they never outgrew.… Continue Reading