Posts tagged: Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health

Kamala’s Husband Tells Men to Defend the “Right” to Kill Preborn Babies

Written by Peter Heck

Could there be anything more creepy?

Last weekend, the “second gentleman” of the United States, Douglass Emhoff, took to X to post his personal support of child killing for convenience:

I understand the politics behind the post. Since the Dobbs decision overturned Roe v Wade, Democrats have been capitalizing financially and electorally on the issue of aborting children in the womb.… Continue Reading

Is a Federal Ban on Abortion After 15 Weeks Gestation Even Constitutional?

Written by David Fowler

Controversy over a federal ban on abortion after 15 weeks of gestation proposed by a national pro-life political action committee prompted Ronna McDaniel, chair of the Republican National Committee, to tell Republican candidates to “talk about abortion. . . . When you don’t respond, the lies become the truth.” Okay, what about this truth? The constitutional argument for it is the same as that of Planned Parenthood and the ACLU. In fact, if we are going to uphold the Fourteenth Amendment, the 15-week federal abortion ban is unconstitutional.… Continue Reading

Yes, The Culture War is Real, And Democrats Started It

Written by Robert Knight

Did you know that debating issues in Congress is part of the culture war and is bad for democracy?

That’s what The Washington Post (motto: “Democracy Dies in Darkness”) implied in its front-page story after the Republican-led House approved the National Defense Authorization Act in a 219-210 party-line vote.

The bill authorizes an $886 billion defense budget and rolls back some of the Democrats’ schemes aimed at turning America into a Marxist version of Sodom and Gomorrah.… Continue Reading

Republicans Need To Stop Being Cowards on Abortion

Written by David Harsanyi

How many voters know that the Democratic Party supports legalized abortion through all nine months of pregnancy on demand for virtually any reason? How many voters know this position aligns with only six other countries in the world — three of them, not incidentally, being North Korea, Vietnam and China?

How many voters know that Democrats want to pass a federal law banning states from stopping sex-selective abortions or the dismembering of the post-viable unborn or the requirement of parental and guardian notification for minors before getting abortions?… Continue Reading

Intimidation 101: From Trump to Transgender Mania, Leftists’ War on America is Intensifying

Written by Robert Knight

In the space of a week, we saw three children and three adults executed at a Christian school in Nashville, the indictment of former President Donald Trump, and the advent of the national “Transgender Day of Visibility.”

We also saw the current White House occupant awkwardly joking at length about his love of ice cream before addressing the Nashville massacre. The word “inappropriate” is wildly inadequate. Within moments, he segued into a gun control rant.… Continue Reading

What’s a Woman, After All? Transgender Movement Getting Madder by The Minute

Written by Robert Knight

International Women’s Day, replete with ceremonies and demonstrations, has come and gone.

In the United States, demonstrators could have celebrated the unprecedented freedom, prosperity and achievements attained by the fair sex here.

Instead, they mostly whined that because of the Dobbs ruling, it’s getting less convenient to kill unborn babies. They also made shrill demands for all things LGBTQ and especially the transgender movement — the folks working to obliterate womanhood itself.… Continue Reading

Democrats’ Appalling Vote Against Life on U.S. House Floor

Written by Robert Knight

The divisions in our country go far beyond conservative versus liberal or Republican versus Democrat. Not that the parties are unimportant. More on that in a minute.

It’s right versus wrong and whether we’ll be able to pass on America’s heritage of liberty and prosperity to our children and grandchildren.

One side — the progressive, Marxist left — wants to expand government to intrude into every human activity except one: sexuality. For that, they seek to eradicate all moral, cultural and legal restraints.… Continue Reading

The Controversy Surrounding ‘Lawn Boy’

Written by Robert Knight

Nobody seems to know who leaked the U.S. Supreme Court’s draft in the Dobbs case overturning Roe v. Wade. Nobody seems to know how many serious adverse effects occurred shortly after COVID-19 shots. Nobody seems to know how the FBI was turned into a left-wing political weapon.

“Mainstream” media doesn’t find these things worth pursuing.

Thanks to an exhaustive investigative analysis by The Washington Post, however, we now know how many parents — 38 — around the country have challenged Jonathan Evison’s book “Lawn Boy” in school libraries.… Continue Reading

Biden’s Pro-Abortion and LGBTQ Crusades

Written by Robert Knight

The gap is growing wider by the day in the culture war. In fact, it is heating up.

The White House “Proclamation on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Pride Month, 2022” should help clarify what’s at stake.

This is no small matter. It’s at the heart of the left’s strategy to turn America into a place where no one dares espouse traditional morality. Their ultimate aim is to criminalize Christianity, not usher in tolerance.… Continue Reading

Will Roberts and Kavanaugh Stand With the Unborn or the Unjust?

Written by Terence P. Jeffrey

Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh, both nominated by Republican presidents, have both written absurd opinions on abortion laws.

The case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, which the U.S. Supreme Court will hear this year, could give them an opportunity to redeem themselves.

At issue in this case is a Mississippi law that bans most abortions after a baby’s 15th gestational week. The question: Can a state prohibit doctors from killing unborn babies who are not yet old enough to survive outside the womb?… Continue Reading