Posts tagged: Wuhan coronavirus

Truth Always Wins: Liberal Media Has Started to Report Actual Facts

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

I reposted a meme this week. It was a graphic of a mass of humanity, with tens of thousands of people standing shoulder to shoulder and one solitary individual standing outside, looking back at the group. The accompanying text was, “Yes, you all are wrong.” To this, I added, “It appears those of us who stood nearly alone on masks and jabs are exonerated. May the same prove true on all else woke and wrong.”… Continue Reading

Amid Illinois Shutdown, Abortions at Planned Parenthood Go On

Written by Alex Newman

Amid the shutdown of all “non-essential” businesses and activities as doctors scramble to deal with the coronavirus pandemic, the slaughter of unborn children at six Planned Parenthood clinics and other abortion mills in Illinois will go on. Apparently killing pre-born babies is considered an “essential” service in the Prairie State.

According to a press release published in the far-left Chicago Sun-Times and other local media, at least six Planned Parenthood centers will remain open across the state despite asking victims (euphemistically dubbed “patients”) to re-schedule all “non-essential appointments.”… Continue Reading

The “Trump is a Dictator” Crowd is Angry Trump…Isn’t Acting Like a Dictator

Written by Peter Heck

It has become nearly impossible to take the New York Times seriously. Even those who appreciate the Times regularly quote it not because of its accuracy or insight, but because it’s taking a caustic (and usually careless) swipe at a president that they hate. That’s not a great look for the country’s “newspaper of record.”

The most recent demonstration of their embarrassing current state of affairs has to be education policy reporter Erica L.Continue Reading

Mining a Crisis for Political Gold

Written by Robert Knight

“You don’t ever want a crisis to go to waste. It’s an opportunity to do things that you would otherwise avoid.”

So said former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who was President Obama’s chief of staff and an astute practitioner of smashmouth politics.

It’s worth remembering this as the Democrats and their media do everything they can to hype the dangers of the Wuhan coronavirus.  Not that it isn’t deadly serious. It is.… Continue Reading