Written by Robert Knight
Have you ever boarded an airliner during a rainstorm and then, minutes later, broken through the clouds to bright sunshine? It can be quite startling. People blink like moles emerging from their burrow.
The sun has been there all along, of course, but when we’re unable to see it from below we can forget how bright it can be.
That’s how believers view this world under God. No matter how bad things get, there is a Creator God who loves us and inspires hope in this life and the next.… Continue Reading
Tags: Babylon Bee, Barack Obama, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Christmas, CIA, COVID–19, Elon Musk, FBI, Homeland Security, Joe Biden, Karine Jean-Pierre, Neil Gorsuch, Respect for Marriage Act, Ron DeSantis, Russian Collusion, same-sex marriage, Twitter, U.S. Supreme Court, White House
Faith & Religion | David E. Smith |
December 23, 2022 7:00 AM |
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Written by Dr. Everett Piper
Thanksgiving is past. December is once again upon us. It’s that time of year – that most wonderful time of the year – for our nation’s thought police to remind all of us heartland rubes, you know, the unwashed masses, that at the top of the “you-cannot-say-that” list is saying “Merry Christmas.”
It doesn’t matter that Christmas has been celebrated in the Western world since the fourth century. It doesn’t matter that Christmas has been a national holiday since 1870.… Continue Reading
It is the most wonderful time of the year. Though this year has been unique, remembering the events of the Incarnation of God as a Man is a foundational, mind-blowing truth for all Christians. This edition of spotlight features a 2018 interview with Tom Brejcha (from the Thomas More Society) about the importance of Christmas, the nativity scene that was displayed in the rotunda of the Illinois capitol building, and the important upcoming legislative issues in Congress and the Illinois legislature.… Continue Reading

With the Christmas season upon us, thousands of families are showcasing nativities on their front lawns. But what about such religious displays on public property during the Christmas season? In the first part of today’s show, Monte Larrick interviews Tom Brejcha of the Thomas More Society to discuss their nativity display in the Illinois capitol building this month. Afterword, Monte and David Smith discuss the importance of protecting the free exercise of religion. Merry Christmas from Illinois Family Action!… Continue Reading