Posts tagged: Global Warming

Leftist Red-Green Axis Exploits Weather To Increase Its Power

Written by Robert Knight

Another scorching July week and another dire media warning that my car, your lawn mower and Aunt Jenna’s stove are heating up the Earth. Something drastic needs to be done.

It’s been hotter than usual and for longer, especially on the West Coast. The Los Angeles Times calls it “unprecedented.”

This is not to minimize the human cost of extended heat waves, but this is not a unique time. In the 1930s, many states set high-temperature records that still stand.… Continue Reading

Seven Years Ago Climate Scientists Warned the Maldives Were Disappearing. Guess What?

Written by Peter Heck

I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you. From a recent New York Times piece, spectacularly entitled, “A Surprising Climate Find:”

‘I’m confident that there’ll be islands in the Maldives’ 50 or 100 years from now, one of the researchers on the team, Paul Kench, told me while we were on Dhigulaabadhoo. ‘They’re not going to look like these islands; they’re going to be different. But there will be land here.’

Just a casual admission that those islands the climate change cult said were going to disappear aren’t going to be disappearing after all.Continue Reading

The Audacity of Fear: Obama Gives Young People Horrible Life Advice

Written by Peter Heck

It was always one of the most frustrating aspects of Barack Obama‘s rise to power. While the famous keynote speech he delivered at the 2004 Democratic National Convention catapulted him to fame, the rhetoric he used there was a startling departure from his previously established reputation as an instigator and agitator.

Obama cut his teeth in the dirty arena of corrupt Chicago politics, having learned the duplicitous art of “community organizing” from some of the most notorious theorists (Saul Alinsky), and even criminal mentors (Bill Ayers).… Continue Reading

Climate Change Deliberation: Taking Occam’s Razor to Proxy Data

Written by Robert T. Smith

It is quite often the case that the simplest explanation is the correct explanation. The namesake for this principle comes from the English philosopher and theologian, Franciscan friar William of Ockham. It is called Occam’s razor. From various sources, Occam’s razor is a principle of parsimony or frugality used in logic and problem-solving. It states that among competing hypotheses, the hypothesis with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Perhaps Occam’s razor can be appropriately applied to many of our current issues.… Continue Reading

Democrats’ Climate Agenda Will Mimic Their COVID Tyranny

Written by Trevor Thomas

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Biden’s Embrace of the Green New Deal Signals More Danger for the Economy

Written by Vijay Jayaraj

Late in April Joe Biden, the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential elections, acknowledged that he is ready to embrace the Green New Deal aimed at making sweeping changes to America’s energy spectrum.

This signals more danger to the American economy, which is already reeling under the pressure of the coronavirus lockdowns.

There is hope the economy will recover from this coronavirus slump, but not if the nation implements the Green New Deal.… Continue Reading

Democrats Once Again Embrace Population Control to Save the Planet

Written by Stephen Moore

Is the left once again embracing Malthusian population control in order to save the planet?

Of all the preposterous proposals put forward by the Democratic presidential candidates during the CNN climate change town hall meeting last week, the dumbest wasn’t outlawing plastic straws, incandescent light bulbs or air travel. It wasn’t the contention that climate change is the globe’s greatest threat since World War II. It wasn’t even the fantastical hypothesis that hurricanes are racist because they target “communities of color” more than white areas.… Continue Reading

Al Gore Deserves Shame, Not an Apology

Written by Peter Heck

NPR recently ran a silly story with this provocative headline: “We All Owe Al Gore an Apology.”  I dissent.

Let’s first be clear about Gore.  After losing the 2000 presidential election, Gore found a cause to peddle in global warming.  He partnered with affluent donors, created a documentary full of hyperbolic exaggeration and dire warnings about an impending ecological armageddon, and made millions.  And millions.  He divorced his wife and became the international playboy of global warming-turned-climate change-turned-climate disruption-turned-whatever we’re calling it now.… Continue Reading

Big Foot, Russia Collusion, Black New Deals, and Extreme Climate Change: A World of Myths and Media Brain-Fade

Written by Vijay Jayaraj

Myths usually sound fascinating. Myths are things that never happened, stories that aren’t true, though often we wish they were, for various reasons.

As a young boy, I wanted to know if Big Foot was an actual animal. I saw almost every documentary that claimed to show evidence of Big Foot’s existence. And don’t get me started on flying saucers.

Despite its place in popular Internet theory, most people—including me—consider Big Foot continue a myth.… Continue Reading

Environmentalism, Pantheism, Statism and Pessimism

Written by David Limbaugh

Meaning no disrespect to climate alarmists of the past half-century, who have been quite formidable in their doomsday warnings, the modern era has ushered in a new wave of scaremongers who threaten to eclipse their predecessors.

This shouldn’t discourage the original enviro-wackos of the 1970s, who hadn’t accumulated sufficient empirical data to support their burgeoning secular religion. Give those people a break; how were they to know they’d have egg on their faces for predicting apocalyptic global cooling?… Continue Reading