Posts tagged: LGBTQ Agenda

Practicing Christians Are Now Fascists And Terrorists?

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

What would you say if you were asked what one worldview poses the greatest threat to life, liberty, and human flourishing?

Would your answer be Marxism and its march across history that has left 100 million men, women and children dead in its wake?

Would it be the Third Reich’s socialism and the untold numbers of Jews executed in its “work camps” such as Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Dachau and Buchenwald?

Or maybe you’d say it’s radical Islam and the bloodlust of Boko Haram, al Qaeda, Abu Sayyaf or the Taliban?… Continue Reading

The Cultural Shift Behind the Republican Tsunami

Written by Robert Knight

Something is happening out there. It looks for all the world like a punch-drunk fighter rising to his feet, shaking off the cobwebs and decking his opponent.

Republicans in Virginia swept all statewide offices and flipped the U.S. House last Tuesday. The folks at CNN and MSNBC were on the verge of hysteria. They channeled enfant terrible climate activist Greta Thunberg shouting, “How dare you!”

In New Jersey, a political neophyte truck driver apparently defeated the state Senate president.… Continue Reading

America’s New Religion: Fake Christianity

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Earlier this month, the Western Journal reported that the “American Church Has Fallen: Shocking Poll Shows ‘Fake Christianity’ Has Supplanted the Biblical Worldview.

Writing for the JournalRachel Bratton said this: “American Christianity has fallen. Thanks to cultural corrosion and a lack of biblical literacy, a new ‘fake Christianity’ is now being preached within the American church.”

“This counterfeit religion is Moralistic Therapeutic Deism,” stated Ms. Bratton, “a worldview that has quickly gained prominence and given many Americans a theology that looks nothing like historical Christianity, despite what they may claim.” … Continue Reading

If Only We Could Impeach the Left-Wing Media

Written by Trevor Thomas

In order to remove the U.S. president, the vice president, federal judges, and other federal officials from office, Article I, Section II of the U.S. Constitution gives the U.S. House of Representatives “the sole Power of Impeachment.”  Article I, Section III gives the U.S. Senate “the sole Power to try all Impeachments.”  In the history of the United States, the U.S. House has initiated impeachment proceedings dozens of times; however, only 19 individuals have faced actual Articles of Impeachment.… Continue Reading

“Wait Till You See What LGBTQQAP Activists Have Planned for Schools” (Illinois Family Spotlight #084)

Laurie Higgins and John Biver join this week’s podcast with David Smith. They discuss the ongoing push in Springfield to pass a bill which would celebrate the LGBT movement in school curricula K-12, the Delaware proposal where students “may self-identify their race or gender identity at school, and, there will be no requirement that parents be notified if the child communicates to the school that their parent would be not supportive.”

They also discuss the champion female wrestler in Texas who is transitioning to a male taking cross sex hormones and steroids, and the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment).… Continue Reading

Trump Will Enact ‘Morally Sound’ Religious Freedom Policy, Says Ken Blackwell

Written by Samuel Smith

A key member of President Donald Trump‘s transition team says it’s only a matter of time before the president and his administration enact a policy, perhaps an executive order, protecting religious freedoms.

Ken Blackwell, who served as the chief domestic policy advisor to the Trump transition team, told The Christian Post during a conference call Thursday that it’s not a matter of “if” but “when” the Trump administration will enact a policy to protect religious liberties.… Continue Reading

Americans Split on Whether Religious Freedom or LGBT Rights Are More Important

Image result for same sex wedding cake bakery

Written by Michael Gryboski

Americans are divided as to whether religious freedom or LGBT rights should be favored when the two concepts conflict with one another.

Recent findings from the Pew Research Center show the American public near evenly split on whether or not a business can refuse to service a same-sex wedding on religious grounds.

Out of a sample of about 4,500 adults, Pew found that 48 percent of respondents believed that businesses which provided wedding services should be allowed to refuse to service gay weddings if the owner has religious objections.… Continue Reading