The Illinois Freedom Caucus held a press conference demanding answers to some of the concerns Manteno residents have with a Chinese company building a battery plant in their community. One eyebrow-raising concern is the fact that the Chinese company, Gotion High-Tech, is in line for $ 7.5 billion in federal tax credits over five years, while the State of Illinois is kicking in an additional $536 million in subsidies to build the plant. The cost to build the plant is $2 billion.
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In this episode of Spotlight, Monte Larrick and David Smith sit down with Dr. Mark Zumhagen to discuss the resurgence of COVID-19. Dr. Zumhagen has been practicing family medicine since 1986. In 2009, he opened his private, holistic practice in Orland Park called Fearfully and Wonderfully Made with the mission of re-activating "the body's own healing ability that God put in there."
Democrat Governor JB Pritzker sent a three page letter to Democrat President Joe Biden complaining about the so-called "asylum seekers" and "refugees" being bussed to Chicago from Texas. However, the majority of immigrants breaking our federal laws are not refugees seeking asylum, most are impoverished foreigners who are seeking the American dream and job opportunities.
It was always one of the most frustrating aspects of Barack Obama's rise to power. While the famous keynote speech he delivered at the 2004 Democratic National Convention catapulted him to fame, the rhetoric he used there was a startling departure from his previously established reputation as an instigator and agitator.
The border between the U.S. and Mexico is approximately 1,954 miles long, and while much of the border is secured, there are large portions where it remains wide open for illegal immigration, smuggling, and trafficking.  When Biden came into office he inherited the lowest rate of illegal immigration in 45 years. Instead of following the successful policies of the Trump administration, he implemented three major changes...
Joe Biden defenders have been on a wild ride this past year. It began with them arguing that the president knew absolutely nothing about his family's influence-peddling business to arguing that it's no big deal that Chicom wire payoffs happen to have Biden's home address listed on them.
In 2020, Judicial Watch with the support of Attorney David Shestokas, filed a lawsuit on behalf of Illinois Conservative Union against the State of Illinois, the Illinois State Board of Elections and its Director for failing to allow public access to its voter roll data in violation of the federal National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA).
In this episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, Dave Smith and Monte Larrick sit down with Evelyn Stenzel, who works with the Southside Pregnancy Center and travels throughout the greater Chicago area for the purpose of equipping Christians with the pro-life message.
The growing divide in the United States isn’t merely political. It runs far deeper than that. It’s a struggle between those intent on using government and corporate power to turn America into a Marxist version of Sodom and Gomorrah and those resisting this radical transformation.
In his column, Donald Trump Owes Pro-Lifers (September 29), William McGurn has made some important points about the significance of the pro-life movement in electing Donald Trump President in 2016.
During a U.S. House Judiciary Committee Hearing on Wednesday, September 20, 2023, U.S. Representative Victoria Spartz (R-IN) emphatically complained to Attorney General Merrick Garland that there is growing fear of government persecution among Americans, saying at one point, "It's like KGB."