Posts tagged: Mark Kirk

AIPAC’s Sketchy Endorsement of Democrat Raja Krishnamoorthi Leaves More Troubling Questions Than Answers

Written by Linda Prestia

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a bipartisan, pro-Israel political action lobbying committee, has been endorsing members of Congress for years in a bid to enact specific policies that create a strong, enduring and mutually beneficial relationship with Israel, America’s biggest ally and the only democracy in the Middle East.

AIPAC essentially raises millions of dollars by Jewish and Christian people and groups across the country, who want to see Israel protected.… Continue Reading

Election 2022 Recap

Written by David E. Smith

The hope in a “Red Wave” election didn’t come to fruition in November. The work to flip the U.S. House and U.S. Senate to Republican control produced mixed results.

The GOP barely gained control of the U.S. House, which means Nancy Pelosi will no longer be the Speaker of the U.S. House, and third in line to the presidency.

Of our state’s 17 Congressional seats, three downstate districts have Republican representation, as we lost one to redistricting and one to a Democrat candidate in the newly redrawn 13th district in central Illinois.… Continue Reading

Illinois Elections

Written by Pastor Calvin Lindstrom

On June 28, 2022, Illinois will hold primary elections. One hundred and thirty-three days later is the general election on November 8, 2022. Through Illinois Family Action, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting many excellent candidates who are running for state and federal offices. Lord willing some of these excellent candidates will win and take office.

The two most significant elections are the race for Governor and U.S. Senate. Do conservative, God-fearing candidates have any chance of defeating two abortion-loving candidates – JB Pritzker and Tammy Duckworth?… Continue Reading

Is Johnson-Weld a Libertarian Ticket?


Written by Ilya Shapiro

Plenty of libertarians were wary of seeing former Massachusetts governor Bill Weld as the Libertarian Party’s nominee for vice president. Even those of us who haven’t had anything to do with the LP would like to see the party represented by, you know, libertarians. Weld, who seems like a nice man and was apparently a decent governor, is the living expositor of the difference between a libertarian and someone who’s “socially liberal and fiscally conservative.”… Continue Reading

Pat Brady Appointed to IL GOP Platform Committee


Written by John Biver

A couple of Illinois political friends and I have been joking for many years about the old saying “it can’t get any worse.” For the Illinois Republican Party, that saying has never been true. Things continually get worse, and failed party leaders are to blame.

One of those failed party leaders has just been appointed to an important post by the 6th District’s State Central Committeeman Brian Colgan, who formerly worked for Senator Mark Kirk and before that Congresswoman Judy Biggert.… Continue Reading

James Marter on SCOTUS Nominees


By Monte Larrick

We are thrilled to be able to endorse a solid Republican candidate for U.S. Senator, and a challenger to incumbent liberal Republican Mark Kirk.  James Marter is pro-life, pro-marriage and understands the importance of religious liberty.  On the other hand, Illinois’ incumbent junior senator has a long record of actively opposing conservative Christian values. Kirk has voted to continue tax dollars for Planned Parenthood, publicly celebrated the U.S. Supreme Court’s redefinition of marriage, co-sponsored the radical Equal Rights Amendment and voted against the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.… Continue Reading

IFA-pac Endorses Dr. Jay Kinzler in the 6th District GOP Congressional Race


The Illinois Family Action (IFA) Board of Directors enthusiastically endorses Dr. Jay Kinzler for U.S. Congress in Illinois’ 6th District. Kinzler, a medical doctor and Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel, fully understands the importance of family, the sanctity of life, and the definition of marriage. Dr. Kinzler has a proven record in local government reining in waste and corruption. His commitment to accountability in government will help efforts to stop the continued out-of-control spending in Congress.… Continue Reading

Republican Congress Thwarts American People, Passes Obama-Backed Education Bill


Written by Jane Robbins

Several Republican presidential candidates had a great opportunity over the last two weeks to take the lead on an issue critical to millions of conservatives – federal control over public education. A couple helped their cause, a couple did not, and one blasted further down into the crater he’s been in from the beginning.

On Wednesday, the U.S. Senate followed the U.S. House in passing the conference report reauthorizing No Child Left Behind.… Continue Reading

Planned Parenthood’s Golden Boy

Written by John Kirkwood

“Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted;
the indifference of those who should have known better;
the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most;
that has made it possible for evil to triumph.”
~Haile Selassie

When it comes to the voice of pro-life leaders and legislators in Illinois, it’s not a cat that’s got their tongue, it’s an 800-pound elephant named Bruce Rauner.… Continue Reading

U.S. Rep. Dold Has Money Edge in 10th District Rematch


Written by Russ Stewart

In Washington, D.C., “safe” is every politician’s, lobbyist’s and campaign fund-raiser’s favorite four-letter word, physically and politically, especially in the U.S. House, where the Republicans hold a 245-188 majority (with two vacancies).

Of the 435 seats up for election in 2016, according to nonpartisan prognosticators like the Rothenberg and Gonzales Political Report, Rollcall, Sabato’s Crystal Ball and the Cook Political Report, only 32 are “in play,” which means susceptible to a party switch next year.… Continue Reading