Posts tagged: Susan Collins

7K% Spike in Chinese Nationals Crossing Border

Written by David E. Smith

The number of illegal immigrants crossing the southern border continues at a frightening rate, and the Biden Administration continues to pretend it isn’t a major problem. Meanwhile, the persisting surge has only served to increase havoc in border states and big cities across the nation.

There is no question about it: the Biden Administration has encouraged this border crisis from the very beginning of his term.  Almost four years later, voters are increasingly worried about illegal immigration and the loss of our American identity.… Continue Reading

Christmas Queens And The Oxymoronically Named Respect For Marriage Act

Written by Robert Knight

We’ve had a very serious setback this last week in the cause of freedom, courtesy of a dozen “woke” Republican senators. But first, we’ll begin with a bit of pop culture that speaks to where we are as a nation.

Sad to say, Mariah Carey won’t be able to trademark “Queen of Christmas.” Yes, in time, we will get over this.

The ubiquitous songbird, whose “All I Want for Christmas Is You” is piped everywhere, tried to monopolize the title legally.… Continue Reading

Camels’ Entire Bodies Are Now in the GOP Tent, and It’s No Longer Red

Written by Laurie Higgins

Over the course of the past week, it should have become obvious to all conservatives that camels, whose noses have long been welcomed into the GOP tent and sycophantically stroked, have weaseled their big hulking bodies in and are spitting all over conservatives. But they’re really RINOs who identify as camels in order to get into the tent, which is no longer red. It’s not even pink. It’s the color of the purloined rainbow.… Continue Reading

Romney, Murkowski and Collins: Weak-kneed Republicans

Written by Robert Knight

What part of a judge being soft on child pornography offenders don’t they understand?

Having embraced every perversion under the sun and proclaimed it all good, Democrats in the U.S. Senate predictably voted 50-0 on Thursday to affirm Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court.

That would include Joe Manchin. The senator from West Virginia has stood in the gap against some of the Democrats’ worst schemes like “Build Back Better.”… Continue Reading

Beware Those Hysterical Historians

Written by Tim Graham

Liberals love to insist they’re on the “right side of history,” and their confidence crests in the liberal dominance among historians. Just as the liberal media dominate our evaluation of day-to-day developments, liberals count on their historians to dominate our evaluation of the decades behind us.

It’s not just historians but our taxpayer-funded storytellers, like the insufferable PBS documentarian Ken Burns. On the day before President-elect Joe Biden‘s inauguration, NPR’s “Morning Edition” presented him as an American treasure with no partisan bias.… Continue Reading

Biden Claims the Mantle of Unifier-in-Chief … lol

Written by Laurie Higgins

As of this writing, the Democrats have claimed victory for Kamala Harris and her confused running mate Joe Biden. Following numerous reports from key battleground states about Hammers, Scorecards, and the appearance of strange polling place goings on, legal challenges and recount demands have just begun. But Never-Trumpers, lily-livered Republicans, Democrats, and their lapdogs in the media heap ridicule on anyone who dares to suggest that maybe—just maybe—there  could be a corrupt political operative or two in America who could have used hacking tricks of the trade and strong arm tactics at polling places to skew election results.… Continue Reading

Election Update: What We Know So Far

Written by David E. Smith

The final results of this week’s election may remain unknown for days or weeks with five or more states still counting ballots. Our continued prayers are needed today and throughout the upcoming week for honesty and fairness to prevail. Pray that voter fraud of any type would be exposed. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 20:23 that the Lord hates unequal scales.

We should not be surprised to learn how wrong the predictions of the establishment media and pollsters have been again.… Continue Reading

GOP Fails Pro-Life Voters by Refusing to Defund Planned Parenthood

Written by Carly Hoilman

As the final weeks of the GOP-controlled Congress draw to a close, pro-life voters look on with great disappointment at the Republican politicians who failed to follow through on their most crucial promise: to defund Planned Parenthood. In about a month, Democrats will take over the U.S. House of Representatives and any hope of stripping the abortion giant of federal funding will pass away.

With precious little time left in the lame-duck session, GOP congressional leaders have chosen to ignore the persistent urgings of pro-life leaders.Continue Reading

The Corruption of the GOP

Written by Laurie Higgins

In a recent appearance on The Journal Editorial Report, Republican economist Arthur Laffer (of “Laffer Curve” fame) unintentionally revealed the rot at the core of the GOP. In an astonishing statement, he waxed exultant at the prospects of Democrat Jared Polis winning the gubernatorial race in Colorado (which Polis did). Laffer is thrilled because Polis has the right economic plan. For those who don’t know, Polis is openly homosexual, “married” to a man, and supports every lousy pro-homosexual legislation that a sexual anarchist can conceive.… Continue Reading

U.S. Senate to Trump: Force Transgenders on Military

Written by Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD

“New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, a Democrat, and Maine Sen. Susan Collins, a Republican, introduced a bipartisan amendment to protect transgender service members from President Trump’s plan to ban them from the military,” reports Time.

“The amendment introduced Monday would prohibit the Department of Defense from dismissing current transgender service members ‘solely on the basis of the member’s gender identity,’ Senators said in a statment.

“Any individual who wants to join our military and meets the standards should be allowed to serve, period.… Continue Reading