Posts tagged: Rashida Tlaib

AIPAC’s Sketchy Endorsement of Democrat Raja Krishnamoorthi Leaves More Troubling Questions Than Answers

Written by Linda Prestia

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a bipartisan, pro-Israel political action lobbying committee, has been endorsing members of Congress for years in a bid to enact specific policies that create a strong, enduring and mutually beneficial relationship with Israel, America’s biggest ally and the only democracy in the Middle East.

AIPAC essentially raises millions of dollars by Jewish and Christian people and groups across the country, who want to see Israel protected.… Continue Reading

Rashida Tlaib’s Lies Skipped By ‘Fact-Checkers’

Written by Tim Graham

On Nov. 7, the U.S. House of Representatives (212 Republicans and 22 Democrats) voted to censure radical U.S. Representative Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) because she has “levied unbelievable falsehoods about our greatest ally, Israel, and the attack on October 7.”

One of those outrageous falsehoods was clinging to the false claim that Israel bombed the al-Ahli hospital in Gaza. But guess what? Our professional “fact-checkers” haven’t located that lie … or any other nutty utterance, like her laughable claim that “from the river to the sea” isn’t a Hamas slogan about the eradication of Israel, it’s an “aspirational call for freedom” and “peaceful coexistence.”… Continue Reading

The True Voice of American Women

Written by Eva Miller

Republicans have been stereotyped for years as the party of “old, rich white men,” which   Democrats have exploited to win over young female voters. The greater number of Democrat women elected to Congress as compared to Republican women was used against Republicans. For example, in the 2018 Primaries, a record 102 women were elected/re-elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, and out of that number, only 13 were Republicans.

The left-wing women on Capitol Hill are so confident in their power that some have coined the term “squad” for themselves, as if they were big-shot celebrities.… Continue Reading

By Their Red Stars You’ll Know Them

Written by Robert Knight

Bob Avakian, chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA (RCPUSA), has endorsed Joe Biden for president.

Mr. Avakian, who has led the party since 1979, says he doesn’t particularly like Mr. Biden, but that electing him is necessary for “the overthrow of this system, as the fundamental solution to the continuing horrors this system causes for the masses of humanity.”

That “system” is our self-governing republic with its constitutionally-guaranteed rule of law, property rights, the freedoms of religion, speech, press and assembly, and free market economics.… Continue Reading

Bernie Sanders and the Company He Keeps

Written by Hugh Fitzgerald

Bernie Sanders has let it be known that he won’t be attending the AIPAC meeting this year because of the “bigotry” displayed by that organization. In fact, he has never attended a meeting of AIPAC, has no real idea of what that organization does, cannot possibly have read their literature, if he thinks there is an ounce of “bigotry” in the works and days of that Samaritan group that has the audacity of hoping to correct misinformation and disinformation about the tiny Jewish state, a state that would like – what an outrageous demand!… Continue Reading

Party of Progress
Lets Its Mask Slip

Written by Robert Knight

Things have come to a pretty pass when the most “moderate” Democratic presidential candidate wants to make history by bringing along a “first gentleman” instead of a first lady.

That’s where things stand after the latest Democratic debates, town halls and other glimpses into the bizarre strain in American politics known as progressivism.

The aforementioned “moderate” is Pete Buttigieg, the openly homosexual South Bend, Indiana, mayor whose legal spouse is a man.… Continue Reading

Tlaib and Omar Weren’t Banned for Disagreeing with Israel

Written by Robert Spencer

It is unlikely to come as a surprise to anyone except the most blinkered Leftist ideologue that Ilhan Omar’s response to being banned from entering Israel, along with her fellow antisemitic Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, was outstandingly disingenuous. But she knows, when she retails her outrageous falsehoods, that the establishment media will never call her on them or reveal the true depths of her alliance with jihadis and agitation against Israel.… Continue Reading

GOP ‘Jihad Squad’ Facebook Post Called “Racist” Political Hate Speech

Written by Timothy Dailey

The Illinois Republican County Chairmen’s Association prompted an outcry from Muslims when it posted a faux movie poster image labeling four Democratic congresswomen as “The Jihad Squad” on its Facebook page.

The post showed the four congresswomen with a tagline that read, “Political jihad is their game. If you don’t agree with their socialist ideology, you’re racist.” U.S. Reps. Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Ilhaam Omar of Minnesota are shown holding guns.… Continue Reading

Democrats Lurch Ever Leftward

Written by Robert Knight

Adults in the Democratic Party, who seem like flustered parents at an out-of-control toddler birthday bash, have been warning about the public’s perception of them.

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has reason to worry. The 22 declared candidates for the presidential nomination lean far to the Left.  Which means they represent the center of their now-far-Left party.

The mini-wave for “moderate” Joe Biden reflects a desperate pullback from the zany public image fostered by wild-haired Vermont socialist U.S.… Continue Reading

The Attacks on Christians and America’s First Freedom

Written by David Horowitz

The Islamic State (ISIS) has now taken credit for the Muslim massacre of Christians in Sri Lana. On average over 300 Christians a month are killed for their faith globally. This is the end result of a campaign of disrespect and hate towards Christians that have become a significant theme of American politics as well.

Is it merely coincidental that the most rapidly rising candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, Pete Buttigieg launched his campaign with an unfounded and unprovoked attack on America’s vice president because he is a Christian?… Continue Reading