Posts tagged: National Security Agency

Democrats’ Lawlessness Knows No Bounds

Written by Robert Knight

Lawlessness comes in many forms.

It’s millions of aliens crossing the U.S. border illegally. It is murders, rapes and drug smuggling by ruthless gangs that are exploiting a White House that is intent on creating a new electorate regardless of the cost to Americans.

It’s misusing the law ruthlessly against political opponents, such as a former president of the United States and his former aides.

It is turning security agencies like the FBI, the CIA and the National Security Agency into partisan, one-party enforcers and pressuring media and social media to suppress dissent.… Continue Reading

Staggering Corruption in the Obama Administration

Written by Laurie Higgins

On Wednesday, declassified documents reveal that 39 government officials during Obama’s reign of corruption requested the “unmasking” of General Michael Flynn between November 8, 2016-January 31, 2017–only 16 of whom were “authorized” to make such requests. Among the 39 are 8 notable Obama minions: Vice President Joe Biden (1 request), CIA Director John Brennan (2 requests), Director for National Intelligence James Clapper (3 requests), FBI Director James Comey (1 request), Treasury Secretary Jack Lew (2 requests), Chief-of-Staff Denis McDonough (1 request) and U.S.… Continue Reading