Posts tagged: Merrick Garland

Pushback Against ‘Woke’ Agenda Happening Around The World

Written by Robert Knight

Don’t look now, but the resistance to woke tyranny is rising rapidly, and not just in the United States.

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon resigned on Wednesday after eight years in office. A leftist and climate change extremist, she opposed Brexit while leading the fight for Scottish independence from Britain.

During her tenure, according to the Daily Mail, Scottish life expectancy plunged, drug deaths doubled, alcohol deaths increased, schools continued failing, and Scots were worse off economically than when she took office.… Continue Reading

Democrats’ Appalling Vote Against Life on U.S. House Floor

Written by Robert Knight

The divisions in our country go far beyond conservative versus liberal or Republican versus Democrat. Not that the parties are unimportant. More on that in a minute.

It’s right versus wrong and whether we’ll be able to pass on America’s heritage of liberty and prosperity to our children and grandchildren.

One side — the progressive, Marxist left — wants to expand government to intrude into every human activity except one: sexuality. For that, they seek to eradicate all moral, cultural and legal restraints.… Continue Reading

Christmas Queens And The Oxymoronically Named Respect For Marriage Act

Written by Robert Knight

We’ve had a very serious setback this last week in the cause of freedom, courtesy of a dozen “woke” Republican senators. But first, we’ll begin with a bit of pop culture that speaks to where we are as a nation.

Sad to say, Mariah Carey won’t be able to trademark “Queen of Christmas.” Yes, in time, we will get over this.

The ubiquitous songbird, whose “All I Want for Christmas Is You” is piped everywhere, tried to monopolize the title legally.… Continue Reading

Informed Voters And Honest Elections Are Left’s Worst Nightmare

Written by Robert Knight

Lots of things today don’t pass the straight face test.

President Joe Biden says the main danger to “democracy” is the “semi-fascist” half of the country that doesn’t vote Democrat. He continues to insist that “white supremacists” pose more of a security threat than China, Russia, Iran and the homegrown goons attacking churches and crisis pregnancy centers.

On Thursday, standing in front of two U.S. Marines, he said, “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”… Continue Reading

Freedom or Totalitarianism – Which Will “We The People” Choose?

Written by Oliver L. North and David Goetsch

We now know the Aug 8, 2022 raid on former President Donald Trump’s home at Mar-A-Lago, was authorized by a federal judge at the request of U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland. We also know more than forty federal prosecutors, FBI agents, and “others” participated in what Mr. Garland called a “search” of the former president’s home “to prevent the destruction of evidence” in criminal activity.

No former president of the United States has ever been subjected to such indignity.

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Why Are no Democrats Prosecuted by Garland’s DOJ?

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

On Wednesday, Aug. 10, Merrick Garland, the United States Attorney General, confidently strutted to the national podium and asserted, “No person is above the law in this country. I can’t say it any more clearly than that.” He then went further: “There is nothing … which prevents us from investigating anyone — anyone — who’s criminally responsible …”

As principled as that all sounds, one can’t help but ask Mr. … Continue Reading

Corrupt Democrats And Their Fake ‘Justice’

Written by Robert Knight

The wheels of justice sometimes grind very slowly.

Or not at all.

In our current system, it appears that the only thing that matters is which party you belong to.

Corrupt Democrats almost never face punishment for their crimes. It doesn’t matter how glaring the evidence.

IRS official Lois Lerner retired with full benefits after getting caught using the IRS to target conservative groups such as tea parties during the Obama years.… Continue Reading

Laughing At All Of The Democrats’ Lies

Written by Robert Knight

When the Soviet Union existed — 1917 to 1991 — its hapless citizens resorted to dark humor in the face of constant lies.

Open defiance could land them in the Siberian gulag or a KGB torture chamber in a dank basement near the Kremlin. So they learned to joke among themselves about absurd government claims, such as Pravda insisting that the economy was surging and the collective farms overflowing with food.

Here are a couple of typical Soviet jests:

Q: How does every Russian joke start?… Continue Reading

The Abortion Lobby’s Evolving Demands: From “My Body, My Choice” to “My Choice That You Must Pay for and Commit.”

Written by Patience Griswold

In May of 2018, a nurse at the University of Vermont Medical Center (UVMMC) was called into the operating room to assist with a “surgery.” Upon arrival, she discovered that the “surgery” she had been called in to help with was in fact an abortion and that she had been lied to. Although she was on the hospital’s list of conscientious objectors who had made clear to the hospital that they were morally opposed to abortion and there were other nurses available who were not on the list, UVMMC staff refused to call in a replacement and she was faced with losing her job and possibly her license if she refused to participate.… Continue Reading

‘Equity’ Is a Mandate to Discriminate

Written by Charles Lipson

On his first day as president, Joe Biden issued an “Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities.” Mr. Biden’s cabinet nominees must now explain whether this commitment to “equity” means they intend to abolish “equal treatment under law.” Their answers are a confused mess.

Arkansas U.S. Senator Tom Cotton raised the question explicitly in confirmation hearings. Attorney General-designate Merrick Garland responded: “I think discrimination is morally wrong. Absolutely.”… Continue Reading