Posts tagged: Dan Sullivan

Christmas Queens And The Oxymoronically Named Respect For Marriage Act

Written by Robert Knight

We’ve had a very serious setback this last week in the cause of freedom, courtesy of a dozen “woke” Republican senators. But first, we’ll begin with a bit of pop culture that speaks to where we are as a nation.

Sad to say, Mariah Carey won’t be able to trademark “Queen of Christmas.” Yes, in time, we will get over this.

The ubiquitous songbird, whose “All I Want for Christmas Is You” is piped everywhere, tried to monopolize the title legally.… Continue Reading

Election Update: What We Know So Far

Written by David E. Smith

The final results of this week’s election may remain unknown for days or weeks with five or more states still counting ballots. Our continued prayers are needed today and throughout the upcoming week for honesty and fairness to prevail. Pray that voter fraud of any type would be exposed. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 20:23 that the Lord hates unequal scales.

We should not be surprised to learn how wrong the predictions of the establishment media and pollsters have been again.… Continue Reading

Idle Wave: The Democratic Landslide That Wasn’t

Written by Tony Perkins

Democratic donors are feeling a lot lighter in the wallet this week, but how much do they have to show for it? While Fox News raced to call the U.S. House for Democrats, the real story behind the numbers is a crushing one for U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). She didn’t just watch her majority shrink — she witnessed a foreboding flip of seats in solidly blue districts. Will she have control over the House when it’s all over?… Continue Reading