Posts tagged: Leftism

Notes on Woke

Written by Peter Pavia

Sometimes it seems as if the institutions of our seasick culture have embraced the same way of thinking, that is, that every problem is a public-relations problem crying out for a public-relations solution. This obsession with creating appearances instead of addressing realities infects the media, the academy, the entertainment industry, and is currently seen in the hilariously cynical cover-your-backside missives of giant corporations. “We at Verizon. . .,” “We at Spectrum …,” “We at Citigroup …”—all reflexively professing to be driven by DEI values: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (and to which recently, a fourth “value” has been added—Belonging.… Continue Reading

The Left Never Stopped Being Nasty

Written by Daniel Greenfield

“Here’s What Happened the Last Time the Left Got Nasty,” is the title of David Greenberg’s Politico piece which briefly delves into some of the left’s highlights.

Just a few years later, though, America’s political culture had changed dramatically. Despite the movement’s historic achievements—and the success of liberals in securing scores of other major reforms—young radicals grew impatient with the pace of change, especially in Vietnam. Peaceful protests continued, but growing numbers of militants now styled themselves revolutionaries and adopted tactics to match.

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Fear of the Left: The Most Powerful Force in America Today

Written by Dennis Prager

The dominant force in America and many other Western countries today is fear of the left.

This is a result of the fact that the most dynamic religion of the past 100 years has been neither Christianity nor Islam. It has been leftism. Whoever does not recognize this does not understand the contemporary world.

What is Leftism?

Leftism — in its incarnations, such as Marxism, communism and socialism; expressed through egalitarianism, environmentalism and feminism; in its denigration of capitalism and Western civilization, especially America and Israel; in its supplanting of Christianity and Judaism; through its influence on Christianity and Judaism; in its celebration of race; and in its replacing of reason with romanticism — has almost completely taken over the news and entertainment media and institutions of education.… Continue Reading

Know Thy Enemy: The Difference Between a Liberal and a Leftist

Democratic activist Van Jones speaks to the crowd during the women

Written by Steve Deace

Never be disappointed when progressives show you who they really are.

Disgusted? Sure. That gag reflex you feel is a good and healthy response. But you must also acknowledge that leftists are doing you a favor when they cast aside their disguises and simply allow themselves to be seen in the full light of day.You know, like when they refuse to stand in the well of the House of Representatives when a war widow is being recognized during a presidential speech.
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The Religious Zealotry of the Political Left

Written by John Biver

Make no mistake, so many modern political battles are not between the religious and the non-religious. Rather, the biggest contests pit different religions against each other.

In this article, the topic is not the West’s clash with Islamism. That battle can be won again. It won’t be easy, but it can be accomplished. The list of battles between the West and Islam over the centuries is a long one. Here are just two examples where the good guys got the job done: Frankish military Charles Martel defeated the followers of Muhammed near Poitiers, France in the year 732.… Continue Reading

Left and Right Differences: A 5-Part Video Series

Left and Right Differences: A 5-Part Video Series

Written by John Biver

This is  a great series by Dennis Prager outlining the basic information more Americans need to hear. Enjoy.

Many people – including those who keep up with politics – cannot articulate the differences between the Left and the Right in a way that is fair and objective. In this five-part video series, Dennis Prager does exactly that. In under 30 minutes, you’ll understand the essential differences between the two.

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How big should the government be?… Continue Reading