Posts tagged: Joe Biden

Democrats Put Their Faith in the Faithless

Written by Robert Knight

Democrats can’t seem to figure out whether they want to use the government to drive Christianity underground or just replace the biblical version with fake Christianity.

These aren’t mutually exclusive goals; either one brings America closer to a secular, socialist state whose unofficial religion is atheism.

Democratic presidential contenders like former Vice President Joe Biden, Massachusetts U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, New Jersey U.S. Senator Cory Booker, California U.S. Senator Kamala Harris and South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg invoke Christianity to shill for taxpayer-funded, unrestricted abortion and the family values of Sodom, plus confiscation of wealth and redistribution.  … Continue Reading

Democrats, in Showing Their Extremism, Do Nation a Favor

Written by David Limbaugh

In Wednesday evening’s Democratic presidential debate circus, the left’s favorite darlings turned on one another with a selfish vengeance, which was a positive development for the country and mildly entertaining. The glorious infighting continued among progressive commentators.

This acrimony, coupled with the public exposure of the left’s crazy ideas, surely diminished the party’s image among sane voters. The more leftists reveal their inanity and extremism, the better for President Trump and the nation.… Continue Reading

Here’s How Far From CURRENT Law Our Border Debate Has Shifted

Written by Daniel Horowitz

In 2006, a super-majority of Congress passed the Secure Fence Act. It required that no less than 850 miles of double-layer fencing be constructed on our border. But it also codified a sense of purpose and a clearly defined mission for Border Patrol, to which everyone at the time agreed. It required the secretary of homeland security to “take all actions” necessary within 18 months of passage to “achieve and maintain operational control over the entire international land and maritime borders of the United States” (emphasis added).… Continue Reading

Joe Biden Leads the Pack with Deceptive “Moderate” Platform

Written by Timothy J. Dailey

Former Vice President Joe Biden (D-DE) maintains a solid lead over his Democratic rivals, portraying himself as the more reasonable alternative to what he calls his far-left primary opponents. Yet his own policy positions have historically been demonstrably more radical than the mainstream America he claims to represent.

What many people remember about Biden is his lifelong penchant for making embarrassing gaffs that elicit groans from his supporters and delight his opponents, such as when he addressed a wheelchair bound politician at a campaign rally: “I’m told Chuck Graham, state senator, is here.… Continue Reading

How Weasel Words Pave the Road to Hell

Written by Robert Knight

We are awash in weasel words. That is, euphemisms meant to distract us from reality.  The most obvious ones are replacing homosexuality with “gay,” taxes with “revenue,” spending with “investments,” sexual confusion with “gender identity,” and abortion with “choice.” Actually, abortion has a whole set of weasel terms.

Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker drew “whoops and cheers” from onlookers on June 12 as he signed The Reproductive Health Act, which he called “a beacon of hope in the heart of this nation.”  … Continue Reading

Democrats: The “Post-Truth” Party

Written by Trevor Thomas

In September of 2008, U.S. Senator, vice-presidential candidate, and democrat Joe Biden was asked his thoughts—“as a Roman Catholic”—on when life begins. Demonstrating a vast ignorance of science, along with an unflattering display of faith, he told NBC’s Tom Brokaw, “Look, I know when it begins for me.” A decade later, using the same “post-truth” relativism, New York Mayor, presidential candidate, and democrat Bill de Blasio, after signing a law that allows New Yorkers to declare their chosen gender on their birth certificate, told a cheering crowd, “You be you.… Continue Reading

When One Party Runs It All

Written by Robert Knight

Here in the DC Swamp, local Democrats are rattling the cage for statehood. They want to make the 61.4-square-mile District of Columbia the 51stState, right up there with Virginia, Alaska and California. Even the smallest state, Rhode Island, has 1,212 square miles, about half the size of Joe Biden’s Delaware.

Politically speaking, statehood is not going to happen. D.C. is unique by design. And, the rest of the nation, or at least half of it, wouldn’t be keen on adding two more guaranteed socialists to the U.S.… Continue Reading

A Disturbing Glimpse Into the Manufacturing of Fake News

Written by Ken Blackwell

President Trump’s enemies provided yet another disturbing glimpse of the bona fide fake news factory into which the mainstream media has morphed.

Late last week, Ian Bremmer tweeted a made-up quote from President Trump. Bremmer is one of the most well-known foreign policy experts in America. He didn’t offer any hint that the statement was fake. “President Trump in Tokyo: ‘Kim Jong Un is smarter and would make a better President than Sleepy Joe Biden,’” Bremmer wrote.… Continue Reading

Joe Biden Declares “LGBTQ” Rights His Top Legislative Priority

Written by Timothy J. Dailey

Former Vice President and Democratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden has declared that his top legislative priority would be the Equality Act, which would enshrine LGBTQ special rights into labor and civil rights laws.

Biden delivered the keynote address at the annual gala of the Human Rights Campaign, a homosexual organization that seeks to promote the LGBTQ agenda under the guise of protecting basic human freedoms. His half-hour speech ranged from emotional tributes to those gathered to his denunciation of the policies of President Donald Trump, which he called “wrong” and “immoral.”… Continue Reading

Beto Isn’t Normal, and Something’s Wrong with Biden

Written by Peter Heck

As we close in on a month out from the first Democrat presidential debate, and as the number of declared candidates approaches an absurd 25, there’s trouble brewing in the top tier.

I’ve said from the beginning that despite his robust poll numbers I don’t see any way how former Vice President Joe Biden earns his party’s nomination.  He isn’t woke enough, he doesn’t check the right intersectionality boxes, and he’s notoriously creepy around professional women.… Continue Reading