Posts tagged: intersectionality

Critical Race Theory is the Opposite of Christianity

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

This past week I was contacted by a reporter from the Religion News Service. His reason for calling me was to get my views concerning critical race theory. He wanted to know why I opposed it.

I told the reporter that I am against CRT because it is the exact opposite of the Gospel of Christ. “How so?” he asked.

“Well,” I said, “First of all, CRT is grounded in revenge.… Continue Reading

A Spectacle of Bigotry: LGBT Objections to Christian Aid in NYC

Written by Peter Heck

In a 2017 USA Today op-ed, journalist Jonathan Merritt, who has distinguished himself by persistently undermining the authority of Scripture while wearing the name of Jesus, fretted over a potential Christian boycott of Disney and its LGBT activism. He wrote:

It risks making Christians look like antiquated bigots, and it reeks of moral hypocrisy. Worse, it diverts energy from a more worthwhile effort: teaching Christian children to coexist in a pluralistic society.

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Beto Isn’t Normal, and Something’s Wrong with Biden

Written by Peter Heck

As we close in on a month out from the first Democrat presidential debate, and as the number of declared candidates approaches an absurd 25, there’s trouble brewing in the top tier.

I’ve said from the beginning that despite his robust poll numbers I don’t see any way how former Vice President Joe Biden earns his party’s nomination.  He isn’t woke enough, he doesn’t check the right intersectionality boxes, and he’s notoriously creepy around professional women.… Continue Reading

Liberalism Is Dehumanizing

Written by David Limbaugh

Liberal ideology is rife with inconsistencies, but none is greater than how its supposedly animating motivation — human compassion — is contradicted by its devaluation of human life.

Liberals have long claimed superior compassion and demonized conservatives as being uncaring. This has always been untrue while superficially appearing to be true, and liberals have evangelized countless young minds with this seductive canard.

It’s difficult to convince embryonic liberal activists that individual liberals may be compassionate but their governing ideology and the inevitable consequences of their policies are not.… Continue Reading