Posts tagged: Hyde Amendment

Republicans Need To Stop Being Cowards on Abortion

Written by David Harsanyi

How many voters know that the Democratic Party supports legalized abortion through all nine months of pregnancy on demand for virtually any reason? How many voters know this position aligns with only six other countries in the world — three of them, not incidentally, being North Korea, Vietnam and China?

How many voters know that Democrats want to pass a federal law banning states from stopping sex-selective abortions or the dismembering of the post-viable unborn or the requirement of parental and guardian notification for minors before getting abortions?… Continue Reading

Congresswoman Mary Miller Speaks Out Against Funding for Planned Parenthood

Written by Kristi Shaffer

Recent news is filled with the debate over Roe v Wade and the abortion agenda. There is no doubt that the upcoming mid-term elections will be profoundly affected by the dispute. Conservative Christians must show their support for life now and at the ballot box. U.S. Congresswoman Mary Miller (R-Oakland) has shown her support for life and is now fighting the evil industry of abortion and the leftist that supports it.


Miller issued a press release that states that Governor J.B.Continue Reading

The Abortion Lobby’s Evolving Demands: From “My Body, My Choice” to “My Choice That You Must Pay for and Commit.”

Written by Patience Griswold

In May of 2018, a nurse at the University of Vermont Medical Center (UVMMC) was called into the operating room to assist with a “surgery.” Upon arrival, she discovered that the “surgery” she had been called in to help with was in fact an abortion and that she had been lied to. Although she was on the hospital’s list of conscientious objectors who had made clear to the hospital that they were morally opposed to abortion and there were other nurses available who were not on the list, UVMMC staff refused to call in a replacement and she was faced with losing her job and possibly her license if she refused to participate.… Continue Reading

Saving Our National Hyde

Written by Dr. Jerry Newcombe

Watch out whenever a politician says, “I’m a devout Catholic, but…” Whatever follows the “but” shows where their true allegiance lies. So it is with President Joe Biden and U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who are out of step with their Church’s teaching. Both have expressed a desire to see abortion rights extended, even up to the moment of birth—which is infanticide.

Now they even want to repeal the Hyde Amendment, a 40-year old congressional measure that blocks federal funding for abortions.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: How the Fight for Life is Impacted by The Election

Written by David E. Smith

We shine our Spotlight this week on an informative, post-election conversation between Monte Larrick and Eric Scheidler, Executive Director of Pro-Life Action League. They discuss our newest U.S. Supreme Court Justice, Amy Coney Barrett; the likelihood of repealing Roe v. Wade; bubble zones; and various issues that might be revisited by SCOTUS.

After the break, Eric details the Pro-Life Action League’s efforts amidst the pandemic. He also addresses probable and possible goals of a Joe Biden administration: reinstatement of Planned Parenthood’s Title X funding, repeal of the Hyde Amendment, a federal abortion law, and more.… Continue Reading

Joe Biden’s “Moral Fiber,” or Lack Thereof, on Abortion

Written by Adelaide Holmes

On April 14, 2020, former President Barack Obama endorsed his former Vice President and presidential candidate Joe Biden. In his video announcement, he says of Biden, “Through all his trials, he’s never once forgotten the values or the moral fiber that his parents passed on to him and that made him who he is.” But Obama is incorrect.

When it comes to the issue of abortion, Biden has evolved from the moderate he claimed to be into a radical supporter of abortion rights.… Continue Reading

Mining a Crisis for Political Gold

Written by Robert Knight

“You don’t ever want a crisis to go to waste. It’s an opportunity to do things that you would otherwise avoid.”

So said former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who was President Obama’s chief of staff and an astute practitioner of smashmouth politics.

It’s worth remembering this as the Democrats and their media do everything they can to hype the dangers of the Wuhan coronavirus.  Not that it isn’t deadly serious. It is.… Continue Reading

For the Unborn, a Bernie Sanders Presidency Would Be Very Dangerous

Written by Blake Elliott

While Bernie Sanders’ stances on most policies are troubling for most conservatives in America, his stance on abortion is one that all Americans should find particularly troubling. Sanders is a clear-cut, elderly socialist, which should be a huge red flag to all Americans. He is also completely pro-abortion and pro-Planned Parenthood. The fact that he is the frontrunner for the Democratic party should not shock any of us as the Democrats continue to push the limits of radical ideology; supporting abortions up until birth is just as radical as defending the dictatorship of Fidel Castro.… Continue Reading

Joe Biden Leads the Pack with Deceptive “Moderate” Platform

Written by Timothy J. Dailey

Former Vice President Joe Biden (D-DE) maintains a solid lead over his Democratic rivals, portraying himself as the more reasonable alternative to what he calls his far-left primary opponents. Yet his own policy positions have historically been demonstrably more radical than the mainstream America he claims to represent.

What many people remember about Biden is his lifelong penchant for making embarrassing gaffs that elicit groans from his supporters and delight his opponents, such as when he addressed a wheelchair bound politician at a campaign rally: “I’m told Chuck Graham, state senator, is here.… Continue Reading

Democrats: The “Post-Truth” Party

Written by Trevor Thomas

In September of 2008, U.S. Senator, vice-presidential candidate, and democrat Joe Biden was asked his thoughts—“as a Roman Catholic”—on when life begins. Demonstrating a vast ignorance of science, along with an unflattering display of faith, he told NBC’s Tom Brokaw, “Look, I know when it begins for me.” A decade later, using the same “post-truth” relativism, New York Mayor, presidential candidate, and democrat Bill de Blasio, after signing a law that allows New Yorkers to declare their chosen gender on their birth certificate, told a cheering crowd, “You be you.… Continue Reading