Posts tagged: Immigration and Customs Enforcement

How Many Child Sex Offenders Are Hiding Among Illegal Aliens?

Written by Daniel Horowitz

For years, liberal think tanks and media figures scoffed at the mere suggestion of many dangerous illegal aliens living in this country. They claimed absurdly that those who cross the border illegally are family-loving hard workers who commit crimes at a much lower rate than native Americans. A new report from Fox45 Baltimore reveals that one county has a shockingly disproportionate number of illegal alien child sex offenders, raising the question: How bad is the illegal alien sex offender problem nationwide?… Continue Reading

Hordes of Illegals Continue to Surge at Border

Written by David E. Smith

On December 18th, officials at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported a record number of foreign nationals at the southern border, with over 12,600 apprehensions in a single day. Those apprehended are often processed and released — which allows “undocumented” immigrants to remain in the U.S. while awaiting immigration proceedings. CBP agents are mandated, by executive order, not to hold illegal aliens for more than 72 hours. We are now learning that Immigration and Customs Enforcement asylum hearings are being scheduled eight years from now.… Continue Reading

As Biden Admin Undermines Texas Border Security, States Should Fight Back

Written by Daniel Horowitz

When in global history has a sovereign nation’s own government aided an invasion against its own people? At this point, we could build a 2,000-mile border wall up to the heavens, but if we don’t neutralize the malfeasant leadership at the DHS, they will simply bring the invaders through the front door.

Much like gas prices, which spiked to biblical levels and then settled at a very high and unacceptable baseline, the border numbers are still extremely high, but slightly off their peak.… Continue Reading

Open Borders: A Top National Security Threat

Written by David E. Smith

According to the far left-leaning news source, NBC News, illegal border crossings exceeded 2.7 million during the 2022 fiscal year. In their report, they claim these waves of immigrants “were driven in part by increases in the number of Venezuelans, Cubans and Nicaraguans making the trek north.” Of course that trend continues today and many conservatives believe those numbers are, in reality, much, much higher.

U.S. Representative Carlos Gimenez (R-FL) sent a video report to Fox News showing “how migrants are moving to the U.S.-Mexico… Continue Reading

Here’s How Far From CURRENT Law Our Border Debate Has Shifted

Written by Daniel Horowitz

In 2006, a super-majority of Congress passed the Secure Fence Act. It required that no less than 850 miles of double-layer fencing be constructed on our border. But it also codified a sense of purpose and a clearly defined mission for Border Patrol, to which everyone at the time agreed. It required the secretary of homeland security to “take all actions” necessary within 18 months of passage to “achieve and maintain operational control over the entire international land and maritime borders of the United States” (emphasis added).… Continue Reading

The Democrats’ Open Border Campaign Strategy

Written by Robert Knight

So, here’s the Democrats’ plan: Flood America’s southern border with millions of illegal aliens, hook them on government aid and eventually turn them into voters. It can’t be more obvious anymore.

Use the courts to strike down any attempts to secure the border.  Have judges rule against election integrity laws like voter ID or even the commonsense question about citizenship in the 2020 national census. Once the census count is in, grant more congressional districts and federal funds to jurisdictions swelled with illegals.… Continue Reading

Liberal Hypocrisy About Sanctuary Cities

Written by Star Parker

No one can accuse Donald Trump of not being able to grab attention.

He lobbed his latest political hand grenade, announcing that he is considering shipping off illegals who have been arriving in droves at the U.S.-Mexico border to sanctuary cities.

These are municipalities with ordinances directing local authorizes to not cooperate with federal immigration enforcement being carried out by Department of Homeland Security and Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

States, cities and localities that have assumed sanctuary status are invariably Democratic and liberal strongholds.

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The Left’s Growing Record of Insanity

Written by Robert Knight

To say the Left in America has gone off the rails is like saying the Super Bowl is a fairly popular football game.

It’s hard to keep up with the tsunami of cultural and economic insanity thundering through a thousand outlets every day, but here’s a try.  You thought Vermont’s Democratic Socialist U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders was radical?  Current Democratic leaders start with his views and go further left.

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi mocks the idea of securing America’s southern border as something only a bigot like President Trump would want.  … Continue Reading

The Left Chases Alternative Reality

Written by Robert Knight

The American Left has so many people vying to be the Alternative Reality poster child that it may be difficult to pick a winner.

In recent weeks, we’ve seen a slew of entries:

Hillary Clinton recently praised an 11-year-old schoolgirl in Maryland who refused to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and “took a knee” like NFL players. “It takes courage to exercise your right to protest injustice, especially when you’re 11!… Continue Reading