Posts tagged: Israel

Where’s Your Allegiance? Israel or Islamic Hamas?

Written by David E. Smith

As if the pro-Palestinian rallies on university and college campuses are not alarming enough, we have other strong evidence that attests to the fact that support for Hamas Jihad against Israel among college students is higher than it is in the general population. For example, a 2023 poll by Harvard CAPS/Harris found that 48 percent of college-age students (18-24) said they support Hamas, while only 52 percent said they support Israel.… Continue Reading

Can We At Least Stop Funding Hezbollah?

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Foreign policy is no different from domestic policy in that most programs our government wants to fund address problems that our previous policies caused. Hence, the cycle of government. When it comes to foreign aid, how about we first stop funding the problem before throwing endless funding at a solution — while continuing to fund the problem?

Nowhere is this cycle of insanity more evident than with Joe Biden’s massive Israel aid package (primarily consisting of Ukraine grift), while he handcuffs the Jewish state’s self-defense efforts and continues to fund its enemies, including the Iranian-backed Hezbollah in Lebanon.… Continue Reading

‘Woke’ Liberals Aren’t Hiding Their Hatred Anymore

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Last week, in this column, I argued, “What happens in Israel will not stay in Israel.” I went on to warn that “the next shoe to drop may be in Galveston rather than Gaza.”

Is this warning a bit over the top, or is there a reason to take it seriously?

Well, if Solomon was right when he said, “As a man thinketh, so he is,” let’s consider what the people who fancy themselves the moral conscience of America and the West actually think and say.… Continue Reading

Numbers Don’t Lie, But Hamas Apologists Do

Written by Michael Medved

The twisted narratives deployed by Hamas apologists to justify the most gruesome terrorist excesses of our time, aren’t based on mere misunderstandings and random distortions as much as on outright lies.

For instance, those who defend the indefensible, argue that Israeli “occupation” has left the oppressed denizens of the Gaza Strip with no alternative but murderous and indescribably brutal “protest.”

This contention never answers the obvious question as to how a nation can conceivably “occupy” a piece of real estate when none of its soldiers, police officers, bureaucrats or businessmen ever set foot on its premises.… Continue Reading

How Did We Turn Universities Into Hamas Cheerleaders?

Written by Daniel Horowitz

How did nearly every major college campus turn into the Third Reich overnight, with large gatherings of belligerent rally-goers chanting genocidal slogans against Jews? It didn’t happen overnight. Over a generation, we’ve imported the Muslim world to our college campuses. Not surprisingly, we also imported some of the slogans, chants, and values undergirding it.

Is this what we really need for our civilization?

The ubiquitous pro-Hamas rallies we’ve seen on nearly every major college campus over the past week are not the typical “end the occupation” rallies.… Continue Reading

Left-Wing Media Push Hamas Propaganda

Written by David E. Smith

Barely a week after the horrific October 7th Hamas terror attacks on Israel, we noticed CNN’s coverage starting to turn foul. We then noticed it on the PBS News Hour as well. Their coverage drifted away from the abhorrent murders, rapes and kidnappings committed by Islamic jihadists, to a more sympathetic tone for the people of Palestine and the terrorists that they unequivocally support. ABC, CBS, and NBC “news” programs quickly followed suit.… Continue Reading

America-Hating Members of The U.S. Congress Side With Hamas

Written by Robert Knight

The left is becoming unhinged and exposed.

During Hamas’ murderous invasion of Israel on Oct. 7, U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), and her group of America-hating congresswomen actually sided with Hamas.

U.S. Representative Rashid Tlaib (D-MI), called for Israel to end its “occupation of Palestine” and for the U.S. to stop aiding Israel.

U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MI) who has called Israel “evil,” said that Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant had called all Palestinians “human animals,” even though he was clearly referring only to the Hamas terrorists who had committed unspeakable atrocities.… Continue Reading

Democrats Offer Cringeworthy Response to Horrific Terror Attacks in Israel

Written by Peter Heck

I understood and agreed with the criticism aimed at the Biden administration when it took half a day for the President of the United States to offer any kind of official statement condemning the coordinated, murderous invasion of Israeli neighborhoods, communities, businesses, and homes committed by Hamas terrorists. The deafening silence from the White House was unacceptable from every angle.

From a moral perspective, it was egregiously passive. For the leader of a progressive movement that prides itself on the silly pretension it champions both women and human rights, the sight of the unfolding horror demanded immediate, thunderous condemnation.… Continue Reading

A Coverup Most Have Never Heard About: The Attack on The USS Liberty

Written by Nancy Hayes

In the age of government coverups and disinformation, like Anthony Fauci and his gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Lab, Hillary Clinton’s private server and emails, Hunter Biden’s laptop, and, and, and…the list of high-level cover-ups goes on and on. There is one that precedes them all, but most people have never even heard about it: the attack on the USS Liberty.

Recently, the USS Liberty Veterans Association observed the 56th anniversary of the attack.… Continue Reading

Mary Miller is Correct

Written by Christine Misner and David E. Smith

Why are left-wing Democrats lying about Mary Miller?

Because she stands for your values!

U.S. Representative Mary Miller is serving her first term in Congress, representing Illinois’ 15th District in Washington, D.C. Her husband, Chris Miller, is a state representative who has served in the Illinois General Assembly since 2019. They are a hardworking Christian couple who have raised seven children, operate a family ranch and farm, and are well-respected leaders in their local church and community.… Continue Reading