Posts tagged: Don Lemon

‘Woke’ Liberals Aren’t Hiding Their Hatred Anymore

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Last week, in this column, I argued, “What happens in Israel will not stay in Israel.” I went on to warn that “the next shoe to drop may be in Galveston rather than Gaza.”

Is this warning a bit over the top, or is there a reason to take it seriously?

Well, if Solomon was right when he said, “As a man thinketh, so he is,” let’s consider what the people who fancy themselves the moral conscience of America and the West actually think and say.… Continue Reading

Liberal Tolerance Is A Lie

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

If you’ve taken five seconds to follow the culture wars currently plaguing our nation, you can’t help but see that the fundamental cornerstones once thought essential to our constitutional republic are no longer understood in our body politic. The essential virtues that once served as the bedrock upon which our nation was built are no longer even recognized in our public square. When it comes to understanding why John Adams once admonished that “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people and is wholly inadequate to the government of any other,” we are truly clueless.… Continue Reading

CNN’S Lemon of a Town Hall Meeting

Written by Tim Graham

CNN became apoplectic whenever former President Donald Trump called them “fake news,” but on July 21, they offered President Joe Biden a nationally televised boost that can accurately be described as a “fake town hall.”

A real town hall would sell tickets in a city like Cincinnati and let the locals mix it up with the president and ask him whatever was on their minds. That’s not what CNN did. It was an “invitation only” audience, which means nobody boos or laughs at inappropriate times.… Continue Reading

‘Dear Don Lemon, You’re Not God’

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Last Monday, CNN host Don Lemon strutted onto the world’s stage to declare with ex-cathedra confidence that Christian orthodoxy and its 2,000 years of church teaching on sexual dignity, sexual morality and about God himself is wrong.

“I think that the Catholic Church and many other churches really need to reexamine themselves,” said Mr. Lemon, “[Their teaching] is not what God is about. God is not about hindering people or even judging people.”… Continue Reading

CNN Seems Blissfully Unaware That They Are a Punchline

Written by Peter Heck

Feverishly covering the story that noted left-leaning, pro-LGBT news anchor Shepard Smith had abruptly left Fox News after 23 years, CNN’s “senior media reporter” Oliver Darcy expressed his stoic concern about what this meant for the future at Fox:

First of all, I understand the potshot at Fox. Darcy is attempting to sustain a career at a supposed news network that, far from being Fox’s rival, is struggling to even compete with the ratings of Hallmark Channel, Investigation Discovery, and TLC in primetime.… Continue Reading

CNN Is a Disgrace, and Don Lemon Is a Huge Problem

Written by Peter Heck

Perfect.  It was perfect.  What Don Lemon, one of the most unscrupulous actors posing as a journalist on television today, did to a black minister live on television last week stands as the perfect depiction of why people hate the media, why the president’s punches against them always land so forcefully, and why his employer CNN is cratering to what seems like unsustainably low ratings.

It was also perfect that not long before, CNN’s resident “senior media reporter” Oliver Darcy had criticized Fox News’ resident loudmouth Tomi Lahren for “reprehensible commentary.” … Continue Reading

No, Don Lemon, the Facts Show Jihadists Are the Biggest Terror Threat

Written by Robert Spencer

CNN’s Don Lemon has found himself in the middle of a controversy for claiming, in the wake of a shooting in a Kentucky supermarket, that “the biggest terror threat in this country is white men.” When criticized, Lemon doubled down, claiming that “the evidence is overwhelming.”

It isn’t.

Ironically, Lemon began his venture into counterterror analysis by saying: “I keep trying to point out to people not to demonize any one group or any one ethnicity.”

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CNN’s Don Lemon Doubles Down on False Claim That White Men are “Biggest Terror Threat in This Country”

Written by Robert Spencer

“The evidence is overwhelming,” insists Lemon. But is it, really? There are several reasons why it is a false claim that “right-wing extremists” are a bigger threat to Americans than Islamic jihad terrorists. “Lemon pointed to a recent Government Accountability Office report that shows that since the 9/11 attacks in 2001, far-right violent extremists have killed 106 people in 62 attacks in the United States, while radical Islamist violent extremists have killed 119 people in 23 attacks.”… Continue Reading

Every Crime is a Hate Crime


Written by Bryan Fischer

By now the nation is fully aware of a heinous crime committed in Chicago against a mentally challenged young man who is white. Four black adults kidnapped him, bound him with duct tape, tortured him for days as he huddled in a corner, made him drink water out of a toilet, and threatened him with a knife which they used to cut his scalp.

He managed to escape and the police found him wandering dazed and traumatized in a T-shirt and shorts in the January cold.… Continue Reading