Posts tagged: Media Bias


Written by Rev. Thorin Anderson

Listeners to mainstream Media outlets cannot miss the fact that most representatives of the legacy news organizations consider Donald Trump to be a serious, even existential, threat to America.  The fear they have engendered is such that two people have taken it upon themselves to try to take him out!  Are these media elite right, or are they distracting from the one who really does desire to radically transform the country?… Continue Reading

Left-Wing Media Push Hamas Propaganda

Written by David E. Smith

Barely a week after the horrific October 7th Hamas terror attacks on Israel, we noticed CNN’s coverage starting to turn foul. We then noticed it on the PBS News Hour as well. Their coverage drifted away from the abhorrent murders, rapes and kidnappings committed by Islamic jihadists, to a more sympathetic tone for the people of Palestine and the terrorists that they unequivocally support. ABC, CBS, and NBC “news” programs quickly followed suit.… Continue Reading

How Intensely Does the Leftwing Media Hate Trump?

Written by Dr. Michael L. Brown

I cannot prove this, but the caller to my radio show seemed totally credible. If what he said is true, then the animosity towards Donald Trump in leftwing circles is even more extreme than some of us would have believed. And that is saying a lot.

The caller, named Rob, from Tampa, Florida, said he had previously worked at an NBC News affiliate up north. (He didn’t want to give further details so as to be able to speak with total freedom.)… Continue Reading

No Surprise, the Media Hates Trump

Written by Micah Clark

Another study has found that the mainstream media is overwhelmingly slanted in its coverage of the President. One could argue that Donald Trump is a very different kind of politician whose off the cuff, rough and tumble, shoot from the hip, clunky speaking style makes him an easy target, compared to previous presidents. Yet, when nearly all of the news coverage is found to be negative, objectivity and fairness are missing.

In the first 100 days since U.S.… Continue Reading

Tucker Carlson: Antifa’s The Democrats’ Militant Wing

Written by Robert Kraychik

Antifa is the de facto militant wing of Democrats, said Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson on Monday’s episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight.

Carlson made his comments during an interview with Joey Gibson, founder of “Patriot Prayer” and a self-described advocate for free speech and expression.

“This is a political militia that is doing the bidding, in effect, of Nancy Pelosi and Governor Jerry Brown and the mayor of Berkeley and all these supposedly mainstream Democratic politicians, and this is a militia hurting American citizens for saying what they think,” said Carlson.… Continue Reading

It’s So Bad, Even a Liberal University Noticed

Written by Micah Clark

If you think that liberal bias in the media has gotten even worse since the election of Donald Trump, you’re not alone.  Even Harvard University in Massachusetts has noticed that the media has gone over the edge in a new study.

They found in the first 100 days of the Trump presidency, 80 percent of media coverage was negative. For major liberal players such as CNN and The New York Times, that number was as high as 93 percent.… Continue Reading

How Desperate Is CNN To Bash Trump? This Desperate.

Written by Joseph Curl

CNN makes no bones about being anti-Trump in every way. The cable news channel that many know as the Clinton News Network was all about Hillary throughout the election – and even though Trump trounced her, the network execs have decided to target the president at every turn.

They’ve covered non-stories galore while ignoring huge Hillary scandals. And they absolutely love fact-checking through the use of chyrons, like this and this and this.… Continue Reading

Widespread Coverage of Liberal Hate Crimes ‘Study’ Shows Media’s Fake News Problem

Written by Katrina Trinko

So much for taking America’s “fake news” problem seriously.

Ever since Donald Trump was elected president, there’s been an abundance of hand-wringing over the “fake news” that supposedly is rampant on social media.

Yet missing has been any kind of serious searching among the mainstream media about whether it could learn any lessons from this election—and whether reporters and editors are holding themselves accountable to their supposed values of objectivity and rigorous reporting.

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Leftist Media Meets U.S. Senator Ted Cruz

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz made a campaign stop in Beaumont, Texas, where he was asked repeated questions by KBMT-TV’s Kevin Steele about the issue of gay marriage. Cruz finally turned the table and owned Steele on this issue.

Cruz doesn’t shrink back like so many establishment Republicans do! God bless him for speaking truth in love.… Continue Reading

ABC Still Ignores Obama Donor/Former Soap Opera Producer Being Named Ambassador to Hungary

Written by Curtis Houck

On Wednesday night, ABC became the only major broadcast network to not have covered the controversy over President Obama’s choice to name former soap opera producer and Obama reelection campaign bundler Colleen Bell the new United States Ambassador to Hungary.

The network’s zero coverage of this story came more than a day after ABC’s own chief White House correspondent, Jonathan Karl, grilled White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest on what exactly did Bell have in terms of qualifications for the job (to which Earnest was visibly stumped). … Continue Reading