Posts tagged: Cori Bush

An Inquiry into Reparations: Who will pay Whom?

Written by Edward R. Straka, MA

At first blush, one may think that “reparations” are entirely something that has arisen with the context of 21st century American politics, but this is incorrect. The legal concept has been around for quite some time going back centuries here in America and even further in other countries.

Yet to simplify our current discussion, we will focus on the American examples of it, and future demands for it. Equally, we will define it to get our terms correct:


A repairing or keeping in repair

B reparations plural REPAIRS

2 a the act of making amends, offering expiation, or giving satisfaction for a wrong or injury

bsomething done or given as amends or satisfaction[i]

Historically, the first example of “reparations” in America was in the year 1773 and involved a kidnapping case of one man (white) and another man (molatto).… Continue Reading

Rashida Tlaib’s Lies Skipped By ‘Fact-Checkers’

Written by Tim Graham

On Nov. 7, the U.S. House of Representatives (212 Republicans and 22 Democrats) voted to censure radical U.S. Representative Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) because she has “levied unbelievable falsehoods about our greatest ally, Israel, and the attack on October 7.”

One of those outrageous falsehoods was clinging to the false claim that Israel bombed the al-Ahli hospital in Gaza. But guess what? Our professional “fact-checkers” haven’t located that lie … or any other nutty utterance, like her laughable claim that “from the river to the sea” isn’t a Hamas slogan about the eradication of Israel, it’s an “aspirational call for freedom” and “peaceful coexistence.”… Continue Reading

‘Woke’ Liberals Aren’t Hiding Their Hatred Anymore

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Last week, in this column, I argued, “What happens in Israel will not stay in Israel.” I went on to warn that “the next shoe to drop may be in Galveston rather than Gaza.”

Is this warning a bit over the top, or is there a reason to take it seriously?

Well, if Solomon was right when he said, “As a man thinketh, so he is,” let’s consider what the people who fancy themselves the moral conscience of America and the West actually think and say.… Continue Reading

Ruling Elites Keep Wrecking Our Country and Corrupting Children Without Consequences

Written by Robert Knight

The growing revolt in America against cultural madness is annoying the ruling elites, but not enough to keep them from continuing to foist their evil agenda brazenly on the rest of us.

The criminalization of political opposition continues apace. The Justice Department actually indicted former President Donald Trump on Thursday over documents stored at his house. But not President Joe Biden for essentially the same offense. Meanwhile, as evidence pours out of congressional investigations about millions of dollars from China, Ukraine and other nations flowing into the Biden family’s 20 different accounts, the elite media yawn.… Continue Reading

By Their Red Stars You’ll Know Them

Written by Robert Knight

Bob Avakian, chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA (RCPUSA), has endorsed Joe Biden for president.

Mr. Avakian, who has led the party since 1979, says he doesn’t particularly like Mr. Biden, but that electing him is necessary for “the overthrow of this system, as the fundamental solution to the continuing horrors this system causes for the masses of humanity.”

That “system” is our self-governing republic with its constitutionally-guaranteed rule of law, property rights, the freedoms of religion, speech, press and assembly, and free market economics.… Continue Reading