Posts tagged: Illinois GOP

The Next IL GOP Chair Will Be…

Written by David E. Smith and David E. Curtin

The Illinois Republican State Central Committee (SCC) will be meeting tomorrow to consider how to fill the vacancy left by Chairman Don Tracy, who resigned in June. We are only aware of a couple of candidates who are up for consideration. Of course, we want to see someone who is fully committed to uphold the planks on the sanctity of human life, marriage, family, immigration security and religious liberty.… Continue Reading

To Endorse or NOT to Endorse in The Primary Election… THAT is The REAL Question

Written by Nancy Hayes

Recent news seems to have fired up some grassroots and even maybe some conservative GOP leaders. The question proposed recently is this: should the Illinois GOP endorse or not endorse candidates in the primary?

In free and fair elections, why not just let the voters decide? Why would the Illinois GOP want to endorse in the primary if we are all, in fact, for free and fair elections? What would be the REAL reason why the Illinois GOP would want to endorse in the primary?… Continue Reading

Richard Irvin EXPOSED!

Written by Kathy Valente

Chicago’s Morning Answer with Dan Proft and Amy Jacobson did a great job exposing the blatant lies, chicanery, and fraud coming out of the Richard Irvin for Governor campaign. During their morning broadcast on Wednesday, April 20th, Dan exposes the following inconvenient facts:

  • Irvin has voted in 8 of the last 9 Democratic primaries.
  • Irvin, as mayor, imposed COVID-19 vaccine mandates on City of Aurora employees.
  • Irvin threatened businesses in the City of Aurora if they didn’t comply with the mask mandate.
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Illinois Conservatives Send Santa An Open Letter

Dear Santa,

We know you’re very busy this time of year, but we hope you’ll take a moment to consider our Christmas wish list.

As you know, we’ve been very good for goodness sake. You see us when we’re sleeping and you know when we’re awake, so you know many of us got very little sleep the past several election cycles. We were very busy contacting voters, raising funds, knocking on doors, attending fundraisers and supporting good candidates.… Continue Reading

Illinois Conservative Union Calls for New GOP Chairman

Almost one month has passed since the November 6th midterm elections. Many have analyzed the losses suffered by the Republican Party in Illinois. To the base of the Party – Conservatives who stand firmly on the adopted Republican Party platform – the causes are abundantly clear. Party leadership made no attempt to unify the Party, failed to support good candidates and failed to effectively communicate to voters the principles of the Republican Party. Due to this failure of leadership and lack of accepting any responsibility for the losses, Illinois Conservative Union (ICU) calls for Tim Schneider to step down from his position as Chairman.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Election Post-Mortem (Part 2)

Written by David E. Smith

Another election has come and gone. A number of states saw a noticeable political shake-up. For pro-life/pro-family conservatives in Illinois, things went from bad to worse.

As promised last week, Monte Larrick and I are once again joined by Richard Hartian, Chairman of Illinois Family Action, for this episode of Spotlight.

Moving on from the post-mortem of What went wrong? to a discussion of Where do we go from here? – Hartian, Smith, and Larrick consider what Illinois might look like under a Democrat-controlled statehouse led by J.B.… Continue Reading

Illinois Republicans Miss the Target in Target-Rich Environment–Again

Written by John Biver and David E. Smith

Illinois Republicans never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Whether it is reaching enough Illinoisans with the facts about the dire fiscal state of Illlinois or about the terrible consequences of the misnamed “Equal Rights Amendment,” GOP leaders can’t seem to make use of the many teachable moments that occur weekly in Illinois politics.

One such teachable moment presented itself in a shocking investigative report by the Chicago Tribune on pervasive child sexual abuse within the Chicago Public School system that exposed that “Over a decade, police investigated more than 520 cases of juvenile sexual assault and abuse in Chicago’s public schools.”… Continue Reading

Is the Illinois GOP Civil War Finally Here?

Written by John Biver

Now that prominent conservatives are seeing Governor Bruce Rauner for who he really is, we arrive at a genuinely dramatic moment in a state where the Republican Party’s failures have paved the way for Leftist policies to ruin the state.

After signing several outrageously left-wing bills into law, an increasing number of rank and file conservatives and elected political leaders are finally seeing the truth about Governor Rauner. This gives conservatives in Illinois the opportunity to get their act together.… Continue Reading

2016 Illinois GOP Platform Report

Written by David E. Smith 

The 2016 Illinois Republican Convention was held in Peoria this past weekend on Friday and Saturday. We are thrilled to report that leftists within the party failed to advance their agenda in the newly adopted 2016 Illinois GOP Platform.

If fact, Illinois Republicans strengthened the Right to Life plank in the platform and rejected an attempt to water down and distort the Marriage and Family plank!

THANK YOU to all of you who took time last week to contact the members of the platform committee and helped to spread the word of the attempt to subvert the Marriage and Family plank. … Continue Reading

The Weak Link in the GOP Senate Majority?


Senator Kirk and the GOP need to think hard about what happens next.

Written by John Fund

Illinois U.S. Senator Mark Kirk has won a lot of respect for his gritty recovery from a serious stroke in 2012. But his fellow Republicans worry that his recent political and verbal stumbles make him the most vulnerable GOP incumbent up for reelection in 2016 in a state Barack Obama won with 58 percent of the vote in 2012.… Continue Reading