Posts tagged: Illinois Freedom Caucus

Illinois Tax and Spend Budget for FY 2025

Written by David E. Smith

In the wee hours of the morning, Democrats — who control the Illinois House of Representatives — approved a $53.1 billion budget for the 2025 fiscal year. The 3,374 page budget, plus supplemental spending bills, had already been approved by Democrats — who control the Illinois Senate — on Sunday evening.

The budget includes a significant increase in spending — $400 million more than what Governor J.B. Pritzker had initially proposed.

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Aiding Our Enemy

Written by David E. Smith

Illinois Tax Credits for a CCP-Company?

Significant opposition is growing over the Gotion electric vehicle battery plant now under consideration for Manteno, Illinois. On October 2, over 400 people attended a press conference and public comment session at the village board meeting to express their concerns about the project.

An hour before that meeting, the Illinois Freedom Caucus held a press conference demanding answers to some of the concerns Manteno residents have with a Chinese company building a battery plant in their community.… Continue Reading

Non-Citizens Will Have the Power to Arrest Legal American Citizens in Illinois?

Written by Nancy Hayes

At a recent Three Headed Eagle Alliance event called “Pints and Politics,” Dan Caulkins (R-Decatur), a member of the Illinois Freedom Caucus stated: “No non-citizen American should ever be in a position to arrest an American citizen in America.”

This seems like an obvious statement, but Caulkins was responding to the recent passing of HB 3751, which amends the Illinois Municipal Code by adding the following:

An individual who is not a citizen but is legally authorized to work in the U.S.

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To Endorse or NOT to Endorse in The Primary Election… THAT is The REAL Question

Written by Nancy Hayes

Recent news seems to have fired up some grassroots and even maybe some conservative GOP leaders. The question proposed recently is this: should the Illinois GOP endorse or not endorse candidates in the primary?

In free and fair elections, why not just let the voters decide? Why would the Illinois GOP want to endorse in the primary if we are all, in fact, for free and fair elections? What would be the REAL reason why the Illinois GOP would want to endorse in the primary?… Continue Reading

Ranked-Choice Voting – Missing the Point on Needed Reform in Illinois

Written by Nancy Hayes

History tends to repeat itself. This is certainly true of “Ranked Choice Voting” in Illinois.

You may remember a junior state senator in Illinois by the name of Barack Obama. In 2001, then-Senator Obama introduced a bill that would have put on the ballot a Constitutional Amendment to elect the Illinois House of Representatives by “fair voting” in 3-seat districts elected by voters given cumulative voting rights.

Then, in 2002, Obama introduced a bill that would have required that partisan primaries for congressional office be conducted by “instant runoff voting” or IRV, also known as ranked-choice voting.… Continue Reading