Posts tagged: Hamas

Biden Spoke For Organization Founded and Led by Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas Operatives

Written by John D. Guandolo

On July 20, 2020, Democrat Presidential candidate Joe Biden spoke online for the Million Muslim Voters Summit hosted by the Muslim Brotherhood’s EMGAGE, formerly called Emerge USA.

Set the Stage: What is EMGAGE

EMGAGE was founded by and is led by Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas operatives.

Current “Co-Chairperson” of EMGAGE is attorney Khurrum Wahid, a former legal advisor to the national headquarters of Hamas doing business as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), who headed a Hamas/CAIR office in Florida as well.… Continue Reading

Hamas Wants Americans Dead of Coronavirus, Democrats Want to Send Hamas Aid

Written by Daniel Greenfield

“They talk about 25 million infected people in just one of the 50 states. Allah be praised.”

Thousands of Americans have died of the coronavirus. But ‘Gaza Firster’ Democrats don’t care.

Eight U.S. Senate Democrats, including Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren, dispatched a four-page letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, demanding to know what America was doing about the coronavirus.

Not in America. In Gaza.

According to the U.S.… Continue Reading

Tlaib and Omar Weren’t Banned for Disagreeing with Israel

Written by Robert Spencer

It is unlikely to come as a surprise to anyone except the most blinkered Leftist ideologue that Ilhan Omar’s response to being banned from entering Israel, along with her fellow antisemitic Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, was outstandingly disingenuous. But she knows, when she retails her outrageous falsehoods, that the establishment media will never call her on them or reveal the true depths of her alliance with jihadis and agitation against Israel.… Continue Reading

Keith Ellsion, Former Nation of Islam Member, For DNC Chairman?


Written by John Biver

Now that Barack Obama’s second term is coming to an end, the question is — who will fill his shoes as the leader of the Democratic Party? Minnesota U.S. Representative Keith Ellison would like the job — and is officially seeking to become the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

Journalist and newspaper editor Caroline Glick has pointed out that “When a party is out of power, the party chairman is also treated like its formal leader, and most active spokesman.”… Continue Reading

Jihadists Being Smuggled Through Southern Border. But Can We Even Deport Them?


Written by Daniel Horowitz

Anyone who has worked in immigration policy or has spoken to ranchers and border agents over the years knows that Middle Eastern jihadists have been infiltrating our southern border for quite some time. It wasn’t until today, however, that an intelligence report vouching for this reality was leaked from the U.S. Military’s Southern Command.

The Washington Free Beacon’s Bill Gertz got wind of the intelligence report and solicited an on-the-record comment from a spokesperson for Southern Command:

“Networks that specialize in smuggling individuals from regions of terrorist concern, mainly from the Afghanistan-Pakistan region, the Middle East, and East Africa, are indeed a concern for Southcom and other interagency security partners who support our country’s national security,” Garcia told the Washington Free Beacon.

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LGBT Activist Attempts to Gain Christian’s Trust. Don’t Fall For It



Written by Mat Staver

It is not surprising that those seeking to advance the LGBT agenda would work through left-leaning organizations, but one billionaire who has his eye on millennials has begun partnering with Hobby Lobby and its Museum of the Bible.

Paul Singer has been targeting Republican candidates, lawmakers, and the Republican Party platform. Now, he is reaching out to Christian students on college campuses.

Singer has an elaborate funding and organizational scheme that appears to support Christians and gain their goodwill while at the same time working against them to advance his same-sex marriage and LGBT agenda.… Continue Reading

Gaza, Liberals, and Moral Equivalence

Gaza conflict

Written by Michael Medved

A big majority of Americans say Israel is justified in its response to Hamas, but a CNN/ORC poll shows revealing ideological differences in attitudes toward the Middle East.

Among Republicans, 73% stand with Israel, and among Independents that support remains strong at 56%. But among Democrats, only a minority – 45% – feels the Jewish state is justified in its military response in Gaza to stop rocket attacks and terror tunnels.

This attitude indicates that liberals have not only lost touch with public opinion but they’ve disconnected from reality.… Continue Reading