Posts tagged: Keith Ellison

The Cultural Shift Behind the Republican Tsunami

Written by Robert Knight

Something is happening out there. It looks for all the world like a punch-drunk fighter rising to his feet, shaking off the cobwebs and decking his opponent.

Republicans in Virginia swept all statewide offices and flipped the U.S. House last Tuesday. The folks at CNN and MSNBC were on the verge of hysteria. They channeled enfant terrible climate activist Greta Thunberg shouting, “How dare you!”

In New Jersey, a political neophyte truck driver apparently defeated the state Senate president.… Continue Reading

The Party of Contradictions: Feminism vs. Islam

Written by Mason Beasler

As discussed in the previous blog, the left has a growing problem on its hands, and few are talking about it.

The Democrats have written a blank check of acceptance to every belief and every way of life in the world, choosing to simply deem everything as acceptable. All is well until two of those “acceptable” belief systems contradict each other.

You see this in the left’s support of both Feminism and Transgenderism – a combination that led to a lawsuit brought by high school girls after losing in female sporting events to biological boys.… Continue Reading

Willful Ignorance: House Rejects Rep. Franks’ Proposal to Study Islam

By Robert Spencer

By nine votes, 217 to 208, the U.S. House of Representatives on Friday voted down a proposal to identify “Islamic religious doctrines, concepts or schools of thought” that jihad terrorists use.

Twenty Republicans joined the solid Democratic bloc to vote down this measure, which Muslim Representative Keith Ellison (D-MN) termed “wrongheaded” and fought hard to defeat. It’s hard to believe that there would be 217 votes against understanding the ideology that motivates and incites jihad violence, but that testifies to the power of the “Islamophobia” victimhood lobby today.

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New DNC Chairman Picks Ellison as Deputy Chair

Newly-elected DNC chairman Tom Perez and Deputy chairman U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison

Written by Michael F. Haverluck

After falling only one vote short on the first ballot, Tom Perez was able to secure his victory in the second round of voting and expressed his optimism for the Democratic Party shortly after the news broke.

“We are at a turning point for our party and for all Americans,” Perez announced, according to Townhall. “By getting back to basics, we can turn the Democratic Party around, take the fight to [President] Donald Trump, and win elections from school board to the Senate.”… Continue Reading

Muslim DNC Chair Nominee’s Anti-Semitic Past Surfaces

Written by Michael F. Haverluck

Keith Ellison, the Muslim Congressman from Minnesota who was sworn into office with his hand on the Quran, is skirting around questions about his anti-Semitic past as he is being considered as the number one contender for the next Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairman.

When asked about the anti-Semitic rants from his past, Ellison refused to answer. He then went on to blame his support for anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan on “bad reporting” by the news media.… Continue Reading

Keith Ellsion, Former Nation of Islam Member, For DNC Chairman?


Written by John Biver

Now that Barack Obama’s second term is coming to an end, the question is — who will fill his shoes as the leader of the Democratic Party? Minnesota U.S. Representative Keith Ellison would like the job — and is officially seeking to become the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

Journalist and newspaper editor Caroline Glick has pointed out that “When a party is out of power, the party chairman is also treated like its formal leader, and most active spokesman.”… Continue Reading

It’s Time to Call out the Left’s Hypocrisy


Written by Dr. Michael Brown

Please allow me a moment to vent.

I assure you that it will be controlled venting, without vitriol, hyperbole, or vindictiveness.

But venting it will be. Shall we call it holy venting?

Perhaps it will also reflect some of the holy frustration in your own heart.

But first, some caveats.

I do understand why many Americans are deeply upset with Donald Trump’s election, and up until election day, I said that I respected those who could not vote for him, urging them instead not to vote for Hillary.… Continue Reading