Posts tagged: Elon Musk

Informed Voters And Honest Elections Are Left’s Worst Nightmare

Written by Robert Knight

Lots of things today don’t pass the straight face test.

President Joe Biden says the main danger to “democracy” is the “semi-fascist” half of the country that doesn’t vote Democrat. He continues to insist that “white supremacists” pose more of a security threat than China, Russia, Iran and the homegrown goons attacking churches and crisis pregnancy centers.

On Thursday, standing in front of two U.S. Marines, he said, “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”… Continue Reading

Censored by YouTube…

Written by David E. Smith

The overlords at Google/YouTube have banned the IFA video of our U.S. Senatorial Forum. Why? Because the topic of widely suspected voting irregularities during the 2020 election was briefly touched on during the forum. That is a “conspiracy theory” Leftists will not tolerate despite the mounting evidence. So, what conspiracy theories do they tolerate?  Well, if you search the following topics, you will find a plethora of videos available:

  • Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy theory
  • Jussie Smollett attacked by racist, homophobic Trump supporters conspiracy theory
  • Who shot JFK conspiracy theory
  • Moon landing hoax conspiracy theory
  • Area 51 conspiracy theory
  • Sasquatch conspiracy theory
  • Loch Ness Monster conspiracy theory
  • Elvis still lives conspiracy theory

Thankfully, last year we decided to cross-post our videos over at our Rumble channel in case intolerant regressives blocked us, but who knew it would be over a video of a candidate forum?… Continue Reading

Bernie Scolds Elon Musk for Taking Subsidies Sanders Made Possible

Written by Steve Goreham

In a Twitter battle last week, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) criticized Elon Musk for accepting billions of dollars in government support. The exchange erupted over Sanders’ new bill to impose a wealth tax on Musk and other billionaires. But most of the payments received by Musk’s companies came from electric vehicle and solar energy programs that Sanders, green advocates and state governments established to promote green energy.

The coronavirus pandemic caused the stock market to plunge in February and March of this year.… Continue Reading

Astronauts, Riots, and Pandemics: 2020 vs. 1969

Written by Dr. Paul G. Kengor

In July 1969, three American astronauts landed on the moon. It wasn’t just a great technical triumph. It was a much-needed respite amid social and political chaos.

America was already beset by Vietnam and civil rights struggles. That summer of 1969, things got worse. The nation was shocked by news of a riot after a confrontation between gay rights activists and police outside the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village on June 28.… Continue Reading